There's nothing wrong with the action or barrel it shoots fine actually very good but when the stock is touching the barrel it can shoot up to 1'' out at 100yds but that isn't the point you pay premium price for a rifle you should get a respectable quality rifle and service if I had wanted a cheap rifle to spend money on to improve it I would have bought a cheap Remington where stocks can be interchanged, after market parts are plentiful but I didn't I bought a more expensive rifle so I could use it straight out of the blocks and not have down time building it so far the cheaper choice would have been the go don't get me wrong I like sako have all sakos bar one but the last two have stock issues and no back up service years ago I lent a rifle to a mate and he broke the stock on it I contacted sako and sent the caliber and serial number of rifle and a photo to see if they could make and match it they contacted me by mail and said hang tight they were looking into it 2mths later a package turned up in the mail brand new stock no charge and a letter thanking me for bringing it to their attention I nearly fell over you don't get that sort of attention or service now even if you do pay
Yep, fair point and I get that.
I was coming from the "what now" scenario. As in, you have a barrelled action and useless stock so was more problem solving than anything else.
Yeah thanks Slimy Squirrel appreciate that mate :thumbsup: apart from the stock I can't fault the rifle love the caliber easy to find loads for seems to shoot most bullets fairly good not too picky couldn't want for more but as it is it's like driving a Rolls Royce with one flat tyre