OUt of interest just looking through some old ads in my collection of NZ Wildlife magazines, in 1963 a Parker Hale Safari cost 47 pounds, a BSA Majestic cost 59 pounds and a Sako Forester cost 62 pounds.
OUt of interest just looking through some old ads in my collection of NZ Wildlife magazines, in 1963 a Parker Hale Safari cost 47 pounds, a BSA Majestic cost 59 pounds and a Sako Forester cost 62 pounds.
In those days there was only the one BSA rifle, the BSA Hunter in .222. They didnt start making the others till about two years later, and they were marketed, as shown there, as Viscount, Imperial etc. The first rifle had Hunter written on it, and some people just conflated them all I suppose since the ads might have looked similiar. As I say, some people knew there more than one model, and some people thought they were all the same.
John Knibs only made it worse, because he made the same mistake in his book thinking the Viscount was called a "Hunter" But remember he didnt work at BSA, his father had. He has other mistakes as well.
John...one of my great regrets was not pinching the copy of old old magazine I had my hands on...it may have been wildlife...it had the origonal moose hunt reports, when they were shot in fiordland..it was that period in time...there was an add for CAC ammunition... I photocopied it but it got ruined in a house shift....
cartoon picture of two maori chaps duck hunting.... script read
a maori who lived in kaikoura
,said my shooting gets poorer and poorer
,his friend from waihi
,said use CAC,
that will fix it py curry kiaora
it would be great to get a copy of that again..would frame it and keep it safe
oh the days of non PC advertising,when folks appreciated humour and did not get offended on others behalf.
75/15/10 black powder matters
There was a period sort of around 1963 when the hornet was semi-popular for deer. What ever cullers used seeped into being trendy with recreational hunters and a few cullers used them. I recall them being Savages and Sportcos mainly. Maybe some early Fox's. I can still picture the blue pkts of Canadian hornet ammo. Imperial brand I think, in pkts of 50.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi
the govt cullers even used 22lr on deer.... but boffins in supply department provided suppressed rifles but supersonic ammunition...I believe the browning T Bolt was weapon supplied... recall reading article about it.... older culler was revisiting his old haunts and compared the two hunts.. back then with .22lr and now with what ever he was using...Abolt think it was...
75/15/10 black powder matters
Alot of the BSAs advertised on trademe don't have a model on them , whats the easiest way to externally tell a monarch/majestic apart from a cf2?
Pack out heavy
A few tips for the id ing the later ones. Stock roll over cheek piece means a monarch or cf2, slanted white line spacer on forend means CF2. Smooth rounded bolt shroud is cf2 only. Monarch and cf2 both had rosewood forend.
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So this one for sale is likely a cf2? Had one careful owner, unfortunately the others don't appear to have given a shit about it
Pack out heavy
I have an original buttplate in nice condition, fairly sure it came off my 7 x 57 Viscount , if someone genuinely needs it for a nice original rifle they have PM me