interested to hear about these , havent managed to find much info about these on the net. has anybody built a rifle on one of these?
interested to hear about these , havent managed to find much info about these on the net. has anybody built a rifle on one of these?
Can't imagine they're any different to the other chassis' for 10/22. The idea seems overly heavy and awkward to me, for cleaning etc. I'd rather have a .22LR dedicated AR upper.
To me they all seem pointless, there're no performance gains over a standard 10/22 and weigh a lot more, but then I have a more practical way of looking at some things. Maybe for low cost tactical style training, but how many people need that?
But I guess they look cool to some people.
I thought about getting one when I had night vision, because it would be better for mounting NV, optic, IR laser etc. But a .22 AR would be better for that.
Some use as a training tool but again, .22 AR would be better for the same manual of arms as the centrefire
The chassis might have decent accuracy potential with the 10/22
Factor the extension tube, stock, grip and handguard into the overall cost. They are designed for carbine stocks, so if you use a fixed stock it will protrude down just above the grip, which may or may not be irritating and look fugly. I used an ACE stock and it doesn't look terrible or get in the way of the grip.
Possibly a cheap hand-in option if the law change ever comes about on the pistol grip saga?
I have one. I do like it, but feel it could be better designed. Ergos are 10x better now than with the shitty synthetic stock that my rifle came with, has improved accuracy too, much more stable platform. I had the barrel cut back to 12.5", its about 15mm over minimum length, about the same length as a 16" AR with my SAK can on the end. I don't find it heavy at all, you can almost shoot it one handed, almost. I have a Lucid HD7 for it's optic, it is surprisingly useful and accurate. When I have it sighted in good there's no problems consistently pinging clays at 100m. As for cleaning...I don't lol.