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  1. #1
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Anyone got one of the NHM 90 Norinco AK47's?

    Hey guys,
    Has anyone got one of these? What do you think of it?

    What could you do with the stock on an A cat license? The thumbholes are crap on this (I can't even fit my thumb through them properly). Now guy up at the range bought some romanian furniture for one and had it in it's normal AK pistol grip format. He said it was A cat legal but I'm not so sure.

    It also didn't have a last round hold open like most military semi's I've dealt with. I was surprised. Surely AK's would keep the bolt back after the last round?

    Is there any place you can get these from that isn't Gun Shitty? $1,200 is a lot for something worth a few hundred in the states.


  2. #2
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    From What I've heard their alright,nothing special nothing terrible but to be perfectly honest, grab a saiga instead their so much better!!!!or a mini 14 and at todays prices a damn good one!

    hahaha If it sounds like the furniture I'm thinking of then definetly not,no way hozay.

    Reloaders have got them:Saiga 223 520mm Barrel
    at only $800 a piece!


    His names Jason and he does custom stocks(kiwi made), he's just started making the likes of your rem 700 and savage stocks and is very freindly and easy to deal with.... He could make the buttstock for you and then all you need is to make sure it has the trigger forward modification and then buy a hogue or ergo grip from reloaders(Reloaders - Licenced Firearms Ammunition Dealer) and it will be all A-cat because the grip is of commercial pattern and the buttstock is of a custom design.

  3. #3
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    The Chinese AK's have thicker receivers and barrels than most others. The build quality is supposedly quite good compared to some European ones, namely the Romanian ones. Though their crappy rep probably has a lot to do with the monkeys at Century arms putting together pieces of shit from parts kits. A lot of yanks put the Norinco's up there with the Bulgarian ones. My own AK experience is limited to Saiga's, I've only ever handled a 56S (the NHM90's evil brother) at a service shoot. The quality seemed ok from what I could gather. AK's are capable of perfectly adequate service type accuracy, good enough for shooting shit at say 200m or less. For example, my .223 shot absolutely terrible off the bench, but I could still keep my shots inside a Figure 12 at 200m. At the last IMAS semi auto champ, another guy there had an AK103 type Saiga, 7.62X39, open sights and he was doing bloody good at 200m all things considered.

    AK's by design do not have a bolt hold open feature. Saiga's have a little lever below the trigger group you can push up to lock the bolt open, but that's about it. My one broke and caused regular stoppages, so I shoved blue take in the receiver to wedge it down in typical commie peasant fashion. Some magazines apparently have followers which lock the bolt open on the last shot. If you really won't it, a bubba way of keeping the action open is to cut a notch in the dust cover for the charging handle to reside in, H&K/AUG style.

    Also remember that a stock Norinco will be unfriendly to optics. This is easily solved by installing a Saiga type side mount on the receiver. The cheap UTG QD mounts work surprisingly well with the Saiga rails. Or you can get a Railed forend and use a red dot sight. A TWS mount would be the nicest option for optics.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Oh yea, on legality, as long as you use a non-military pattern grip you will be fine. A Houge grip and KVAR furniture would be nice, but there is a shit ton of after market stuff for them.

  5. #5
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    From What I've heard their alright,nothing special nothing terrible but to be perfectly honest, grab a saiga instead their so much better!!!!or a mini 14 and at todays prices a damn good one!
    Yeah I've been eyeing up the Saiga on the rack at Reloaders. I'd go straight for the 7.62x39 one however. As much as I like the mini 14 (again I'd go mini 30) those rifles are not worth $1,500. Especially when you can pick up an SKS for $299 on sale or a Saiga for $800. I've already got an SKS but as has been said of the AK, very awkward to mount optics on. I had the receiver drilled and tapped but they cocked it up and you can't get a scope zeroed properly on it so I'm limited to irons.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    hahaha If it sounds like the furniture I'm thinking of then definetly not,no way hozay.
    Yeah I didn't think so. He's gonna get himself in trouble with that.

  6. #6
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    I got a chance to shoot one of the synthetic dragunov ones of these at the range on the weekend. It was actually really nice. The trigger was a lot better than I remembered. Far far better than the SKS. The dragunov stock didn't' make it big and clunky like the one I used to have on my SKS did.

    I'm wanting a military derived rifle and really can't justify the price of an AR. Maybe I'll treat myself later in the year to one of these. I'll see if I can shoot it a couple more times first.

    I think I got a nasty impression from the wood one I handled. They hadn't even bothered to varnish the inside of the thumb hole. It looked and felt like they'd just drilled a hole in a block of wood and smacked it on the gun.

  7. #7
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    oooh funny thing is I'm thinking of buying a saiga in 7.62x39 specifically as a bush rifle, for under 150m but primarily a bush rifle as mentioned..... I dare not take my AR bush bashing!

    I'm in two minds, a saiga ak would be cool being a civy AK and reliable etc.... but I've always wanted a CZ rifle and having shot BRNO model 2E's at school and a mates one I just love the idea of one in 7.62x39...... hmmm theres a way of justifying a bush rifle

  8. #8
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rock river arms hunter View Post
    I dare not take my AR bush bashing!
    You've got the wrong sort of AR, then



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