Obviously cant weigh mine at the mo, but can someone out there accurately weigh a Sendero stock (pref SFII)
Obviously cant weigh mine at the mo, but can someone out there accurately weigh a Sendero stock (pref SFII)
I can weigh one of mine when I get home, will let you know.
So should be able to 1/2 that with a light weight stock - save 1-1.3lbs.. then change rings and base out for Talleys, then flute fuck out of the bolt, then dump NF for VX3 with M1 and the RUM will end up under 9lb scoped?
Thats my plan!!except march ontop
Now to decide on stock - Wildcat have a good rep and the price is deff right.
Bolt going to get hacked up when I get home, and got to try again to get the rail screws outso can install rings that have been here for a year.
Or just dont fuck around and trade it for a Browning Abolt Ti in one of the WSMs and be sitting pretty at 6.5lbs scoped
use the sendero as a place marker at the top of any hills you happen to walk down??
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
It has a great brake on ityou never got to shoot it lol
9lb would be nice - think i have a stock coming for it - just need to see if my fella can sort M1s for me
Who are you getting the VX3 with M1 turrets installed through? Price?
Always liked the look of the M1 turrets.
PM me if you prefer.
Should be around $1100nz+gst if it gets pinged - all goign according to plan
Wordse case I'll have to get it here, send it back for the M1s