I'm looking at getting a reloading press from Brownells and it appears to be at least NZ$300 cheaper than what I can find here, even with delivery. Has anyone imported a reloading press lately? Any issues in getting it through customs, etc.
I'm looking at getting a reloading press from Brownells and it appears to be at least NZ$300 cheaper than what I can find here, even with delivery. Has anyone imported a reloading press lately? Any issues in getting it through customs, etc.
Have you got a quote on freight cost out of interest?
Got my Forster in from BRT because there were none in nz at the time.
I see Workshop inovation have them now.
You would need to do the sums.
Was no gst (could be dumb luck)
I've looked at BRT as an option. That is my next possibility. Workshop Innovation show the Forster as out of stock at the moment.
Depending on who you use to ship the actual shipping cost can add considerably to the item cost. Sometimes still worth it though. Shipping to NZ ex USA used to be quite economical until Covid came along. Since then rates seem to have been reset quite a bit higher.
BRT is Australia ,post wasnt much.
Also look at Precision reloading in the states.
Have bought dies from them.freight was $45.
Fast delivery.
Freight is now a nightmare from the US. I've always kept funds over there and it was fantastic in the old days. Now, freight is usually a deal breaker as everything's air freight. Surface isn't available from the vast majority of sellers.
Update: Look what just arrived after a 36 day round the world trip from the US.
Landed and delivered to my door for NZ$750. Included in that price is the smaller handle and more die lock rings. At the time of ordering a month ago, the combination (if it was in stock in NZ) would have cost NZ$1269.
Looking forward to getting this set up.
I love it when a plan comes together!
Gotta love a new toy
I wished I had stopped procrastinating last year and bought a lyman turrret press when they were cheap and in stock at Brownells!
Oh well I shall satisfy myself with more dies and bits and pieces instead...
Will presses and dies etc trigger a registration thing