Looking for some insight to getting another. 22 (lr or magnum) and I was told by a mate in Aussie to look at the Rossi ones.
Has anyone here had one or know how they last?
Looking for some insight to getting another. 22 (lr or magnum) and I was told by a mate in Aussie to look at the Rossi ones.
Has anyone here had one or know how they last?
@gonetropo has a 22mag bolt action and reckons it is very good bang for the buck
I got my you ger son a JW 15 as a starter rifle, but it had endless problems and would never feed the second round. He had wanted a semi but I wanted him to start with a b/a. Eventually gav eup on the JW and replaced it with a rossi 22lr semi. The difference is marked, the rossi has never had a single failure after 1000s of rounds. It shoots straight too, inside the limitations of bulk 22lr ammo. I am impressed for what is really the lowest price semi auto .22 on the market. I would certainly look at the 22mag version if I was going to buy soemthing in that calibre.
I have a bolt action .22lr Rossi. Trigger pull from hell, but very light weight, feeds and extracts well, and surprisingly accurate
Not tring to hijack the thread but as a lever tragic I want to have a fondle of a Rossi Rio Bravo. I keep looking but have not seen one advertised in NZ yet.
Makes me chuckle when I read of people writing off JWs. Mate and I have done maybe 20 of them - zero failures. With just a little work including trigger, action polish, chop, recrown etc to bring out the Brno DNA they're one of the best wee hunter/worker 22s you can get. We have shot umpteen thousand bunnies with them - deadly effective little units. Avoid Polytech and GC brand JWs.
Must have a play with a Rossi some day.. Have a couple of Marlin 795 semiautos and one at the range week or so ago averaged 0.58" for 3 consecutive groups at 75m. Now that's accurate..![]()
ok, need to buy some furniture. my rossi 22 mag semi ( maybe 30 rounds shot) unused suppressor and a sytong NV scope ( never used on the gun just a wee look around at night)
$1800 firm !