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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    AR 15 BDC scope metric

    Hi all you AR 15 experts.
    I recently got given a new AR 15 good brand with fairly ordinary scope on-board.
    The rifle is surprisingly accurate.

    I would like to put a better mid range 3-9 or 4-12 ish scope ( prefer paralex adjustable ) on it with BDC for the 223 but really want it in meters only not yards.
    Do any of the AR 223 BDC scopes come in meters or only custom BDC turrets for specific weight and speed etc.

    Mostly have Leupold VX3s and MK 4s on other rifles and never had any issues.
    Don't want to spend heaps on this as its not a trophy shooting weapon ... but can see it will get some use as as stated its pretty accurate even with the hopeless scope that's on it now.


  2. #2
    Tools not Toys
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Wish someone would give me a new AR!
    Good luck with your scope though.
    Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast.

  3. #3
    Member Natatale's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    My understanding is USA is still imperial and most AR stuff is made or comes out of the US market, hence yards instead of meters

  4. #4
    Member cambo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Vortex scopes are very good. They have a Diamondback 3-9x40, 4-12x40 and a 3.5-10x50 which have BDC reticle.
    The Bushnell AR Optics are a bit heavier than the Vortex and have a similar BDC reticle.
    All are MOA not Mil though. Don't know of anyone doing a BDC in mil.
    I prefer the Vortex. I'm fitting a 3.5-10 on mine very soon.

    Pop into Shooter Supplies on Riccaton Road and have a chat with Andy. He's got a good supply of Vortex in there at the moment.
    Let him know your on here and he'll look after you with VIP discount
    Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh



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