I have 2 ARs...223 and 300 blkout (both on E). What is the best way to go for a 9mm upper set up and where to source?
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I have 2 ARs...223 and 300 blkout (both on E). What is the best way to go for a 9mm upper set up and where to source?
Sent from my SM-G925I using Tapatalk
@Digit, Nzar15 has the 9mm PSA complete rifle for $1700, you'd be lucky to find an upper cheaper than that, or a 2nd hand 9mm cheaper than twice that amount.
Looks like sold out? $1799 and colt mag acceptable (as easy to obtain as say Glock mags?)
Yeah they sold out pretty quick, especially the glock lower ones. But Colt mags aren't difficult to get. Glock mags are certainly easier but still paying $95ish for a 32rnd OEM glock mag and korean aftermarkets about $10 cheaper. Can get $14USD promag Colt 32rnd from brownells but I haven't seen Glock equivalent near that price.
I don't think the glock mag version has Last Round Bolt Hold Open either. Will find out when my mags finally arrive
That's very nice, if for sale?
On this one it looks like the barrel thread is back from the guard...does anyone know if a suppressor would go on AOK?
10.5" inch barrel under 12" handguard, so is set back from the end. Would have to find a suppressor to fit inside the handguard, which I plan to do down the track, I can measure the inside diameter shortly
Hmm. DPT has a wee ext on theirs but not that much. Bit of a bugger if a suppressor isn't easily fitted. Suppressed 9mm be great possum gun.
I advise you not to get one.
They are crazy fun to shoot and you will burn through a shed load of ammo.
Had a couple of issues with my Stag 9T but all in all, its one of my go to guns.
But im still yet to fire my glock version of the one you linked. My Cz czechmate mags fit it nicely and blank rounds strip and chamber nicely but need a higher catch hole cut in the Mags, ill just wait for glock mags to arrive. But im also now excited to see if I can modify glock mags to work in my czechmate because dimensionally they're near identical
hope they do work as I need more mags for my czeckmate