Hey guys,
Currently running a BCM Recce 16 with a Vortex Viper PST 1-4x24 TMCQ in a ADM Scout mount.
It works great. The glass is good and the illuminated reticle is awesome on 1x for both eyes open shooting like an aimpoint.
The only gripes I have is that he reticle is busy and is not a BDC, also being SFP you have to know different hold offs for the range. I also find 4x is not quite enough for the longer shots.
I would love to go to a 1-6x Razor but the weight ( and price) puts me off.
Would I be better going to a Vortex Strike eagle with the BDC or a BROWE / TA01 ACOG with a red dot sight mounted on the boss?
Primary use is for Roo's, Goats and deer.
I know a lot of you have tried most of the above and some are running strike eagles so after your sage advice.
Vortex TMCQ reticle
Vortex Strike Eagle Reticle
Vortex JM-1 BDC reticle
Browe with J Dot
TA01 ACOG with RMR