Cheaper to shoot
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Cheaper to shoot
Can't fault that logic at all! I love mine but struggle to justify why
If i looked at all my guns and tried to justify each one, beyond "I wanted it" I probably only have reason for two
AR's got a Christmas clean...
Attachment 61382
Just for fun I measured some of the rifles in this thread by overlaying them in a CAD program against a dimensionally accurate AR15 model. Giving me the ability to measure maximum overall length with a moderate to high degree of accuracy. Some just squeak over 762mm and others should probably never have their butt-stocks collapsed. A picture on the internet may not be proof of illegal activity, but remember if you have an MSSA endorsement, the Police can pop in for a visit unannounced at any reasonable time with their measuring tapes :pacman:
As to e cat measured length, the polices opinion as to how one should be measured seems to be in flux and inconsistent with both how the law is written and with common sense , so much so that FOUNZ paid probably the most knowledgeable lawyer in NZ on arms law to write his legal opinion down so that it could be distributed, you can download a copy and intill law is re written (not something the police do) or case law clarifies things (I think @gundoc was involved in such a case a number of years back) it's all a bit up in the air with each party's ideas seeming to hold as much legal weight as each other.
As of Friday I know of a shooter who was denied a import permit for a fixed stock for his rifle as police didn't deem his reason for import to be correct , his reason for import was that under the polices new opinion as to how to measure e cat firearms he could no longer have as folding stock on it-the rifle in question was only imported a few month back.
This makes me personally feel that either the old way as per Joe Greens letter or the FOUNZ document way is a defendable to have a firearm if you already had it in such a configuration
Possibly, it really would open up a big bag of worms for them.
Eg as you don't need a fal for a pcp pistol but you do for a rifle and if they insist that a folding stock turns said rifle into a pistol then it undoes what police see as a very useful bit of law. And that just one of many cans of worms.
The police would probably prefer the way they were doing it over Nick Taylor's legal opinion of the way it should be.
Long story short, while I personally wouldn't create a firearm that could be affected by all this right now, I'm not rushing to change the ones I have that could be until there is more certainty.
Attachment 61451
CJA, fitted with bushmaster barrel, muzzle brake, harris bipod, atn x-sght II, also have the bushnell AR scope and a burris CQ scope that all clip on and off as needed. also a gunworks can.