Ken goes the extra mile for a customer.
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Ken goes the extra mile for a customer.
its finally finished :thumbsup:Attachment 101337Attachment 101338Attachment 101339
its a cmg or ccmg 12.5" 223 mae suppressor schmieser trigger katipo stock hensoldt scope and adjustable gas block
My little pony...
Attachment 101364
Not your classic Alpine Rife,but it is light to carry.
It's great to see them all over the mountain(s).
Question for you AR fellas... just got my first one, its a Sig 516 with 16" barrel, 7 twist. I picked up a couple of boxes of the frontier ammunition loaded with 55gr hornady spire point. On the box it states muzzle velocity as 3240fps, I know these numbers can sometimes be a bit of a stretch and are usually based on a long barrel so I chronographed my load using my old Shooting Chrony and was only getting around 2730fps. I expected some drop with the shorter barrel but surely they would be going a bit quicker than that? Maybe my chrony is playing up? It did throw an error on quite a few shots but seemed consistent on the shots it did pick up. Any thoughts?
Assuming I have the right round from the 55 gn selection, the test was done with a 24 in barrel, so that's 8 in difference.
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Im gonna go punch that info into ballistic app today and shoot it at 3-400yds and see if its telling the truth
If it is that SIG that was just on here for sale it was cut down from the factory 16" to 15" when the suppressor was put on. So the velocity will be similar to a standard m4 carbine (14.5") - around 2700fps so your chrono is probably spot on.
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After fondling that SIG you now have Ryan, I had serious gun-envy so I went and built up my own AR - just because I could. My objective was to have something not too heavy so I was aiming to bring it in under 3.5 kg, ready to roll. I nearly achieved that - it's 3.55 kg ready to roll.
Aero lower, 16" SS Ballistic Advantage barrel, GBC Skeleton Upper, Free-float Carbon Hand-guard.
The scope is a temporary affair as I ran out of money to buy something to go on it. I just happened to have this Z3 spare, so it will do for now. The rifle is accurate (touching at 100m) and just simply great fun to shoot. Don't know why I left it so long to get one!
Unfortunately my daughter LOVES it... so I don't see me getting to use it much.
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That's prrrrrrrretty with the blued bronze accents
If those anodised parts were pink, she'd have stolen altogether.
@Ryan_Songhurst a lot of factory .223 ammo is loaded pretty soft. My 14.5" rig does 2850fps with my handloads and closer to 2900 with Belmont bulk soft points. I found that the Nosler soft points I use in my handloads work really well on animals at that velocity. Any faster and I reckon they wouldn't penetrate so well.
@planenutz youve just tipped me over the edge with the side charge upper. Thats the bank account buggered
Actually we can both blame James at Gun Supplies in Rotorua. He allowed me to hold several different rigs and compare notes, which tipped me over the edge as well. He was very helpful, very patient and I have no hesitation recommending him or dealing with him again in future. They provided me with an excellent service.
You realise you will need to have a small modification carried out to the BCG, yeah?
Had a parts box (half a gun) and thought it was time to build another. It's turned out pretty good in the end. 10.5" contract overrun barrel (shoots bloody well actually), Bootlegs guard, Armaworx AGB, a very sweet trigger from a great dude on TM, a nice Daniel Defence BCG and long Armaworx stock to keep compliance.
Yes the Trademe barrels. They are pretty good actually, found them acurrate and chrome lined and well finished. Threading and crown properly done. Dude says something about an overrun on a contract. Could be vintage barrels as they don’t have M4 feedramps. I just carefully opened them up to M4 as per a YouTube vid. No big deal.
The seller of the barrels is fairly important to the running of this forum. ;)
And yes they are good barrels. I bought an 11.5" barrel from him.
Are they more accurate than a 430 dollar ballistic advantage barrel from Ken?
I can’t compare to those, but my 11.5” barrel was shooting 0.6 MOA with handloads from brand new. I have photos as proof somewhere.
Build I did in 2017 very cool little carbine. @Square22 is buying the upper and lower but watch this space over the next few weeks. Will list some parts in the buy/sell for anyone who is in dire straights for some AR parts.
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@300blk is after some of those DD sights. I haven't found mine :(
Need to get me one of those NDS lowers, or get off me arse and get the C to do it properly
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I've just gone through all these pages again and I got to admit I like the look of these traditional style rifles much more than the modern ARs. I must get one one day, although it would be a toss up between something as close as I could find to A1 styling, or a traditionally styled M4 type for it's functionality.
@Sasquatch How did you find the cqr stock? Ive been tempted but never handled one
Comfy enough all though I installed an ambi safety selector as I struggled to flip standard safety with cqr's thumbhole design. Other then that LOP is adjusted thru spacers which are easy to install.
The modification to the BCG is minor - a small land is milled into the side to allow the charging handle to pick up. This doesn't affect compatibility with standard installations so you can swap this BCG into any other Upper at any time. This was a good selling point for me. The scriber is indicating the land:
Attachment 105741
The roll pin on the rear of the Upper is actually a hinge. This allows easy removal of the BCG for cleaning. Please disregard my dirty BCG... I took these pictures when I got home immediately after hunting this morning.
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As for the out-going cases, I've not had any issues at all. There is a deflector block on the aft side of the port but that's all. Less working parts as far as I'm concerned. Being so open to the elements I was a little apprehensive about dirt and grit getting into the action but so far this hasn't been an issue. I'm not planning on running through muddy rice paddies shooting VC, parachuting into the desert sand dunes of Iraq or slugging through snow in the mountains of Afghanistan so I never see it being a problem.
In summary, I like it. And it's a little different from everyone else.
I noticed yesterday that it allows you to check chamber with your left eye without breaking cheek weld. Never needed to, just realised you can see it from there.. I did wonder how much gas it would allow to fart into your face with a suppressed and/or blowback setup though, I'd go for the blind holes.
Trying not to want one too much.. I wonder if it could be made to be a cheaper add-on bit: Ie stick a template on the side of a standard upper, drill and tap two holes for attaching the side charge bit. Drill a series of holes for where it runs, file the slot flat, attack the left hand side of the bolt carrier, screw it on and go. Would only take an hour.
Yep, a "5 minute job".... my wife loves it when I say that.
I'm not an experienced AR user so would be interested in your thoughts on the side-charging option @Tommy.
Planetnutz thanks for that info mate - appreciated
Now to look at the "Black Funds"
LoL - gun DIY, not to say it couldn't be done but i think i would stick with the pro made version
Its a bit more low pro than the handle on the one in this vid