Hi guys , i am looking for a firearm in .223 for goats and possibly deer if in close range. Money wise an entry package will be a 1000 to 1500 approximately so would i be better off to wait and buy a second hand ar15? What is the advantages? Cheers
Hi guys , i am looking for a firearm in .223 for goats and possibly deer if in close range. Money wise an entry package will be a 1000 to 1500 approximately so would i be better off to wait and buy a second hand ar15? What is the advantages? Cheers
The advantage of an AR15 (or other semi-auto) is being able to fire several shots quickly. I can't think of any other advantages, and most people don't need rapid fire for hunting anyway.
This sums it up really. Extra uppers are worth just as much as an entire rifle.
If you're not needing quick follow up shot then I'd personally go with the Howa and spend the left over on a Marlin 795 .22. The Howa will do everything the Tikka does for 30%, less. Ruger 10/22 are over rated/priced in my opinion, but that's a whole other argument.
AR's are as accurate as any hunting rifle needs to be, problem is that they're harder to shoot accurately in their standard form.
+1 on flagging the 10/22 for something accurate.
Howa and Tikka are by no means the only good centrefire options either - Savage, Remington, Marlin, Ruger, the list goes on... they all make accurate reliable rifles, handle as many options as you can at gun shops and choose the one that fits you best and you like the feel of.
If you often come across a big group of goats and need rapid fire then an AR would be useful but a bolt action Howa with a decent scope would put food on the table for less.
Over the medium term AR style rifles are getting cheaper so you could switch later as 2nd hand ARs will often go for 1300 or so without optics
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So no difference in terms of accuracy or range? I thought from the popularity there was real benefit from an ar but maybe its just wank value!
They're reasonably accurate.
They're also very "pointable" if that makes much sense. Having a protruding grip makes any rifle very quick to shoulder and aim.
I think the other advantage is the ability to have more than one upper for your AR. I suppose as a disadvantage you can only shoot short action calibers.
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
Not really. With a two point sling and an AR carbine you can sling it muzzle down under your arm pit and forget it's there.
Might spend a bit more dosh and get a tikka t3
Much of a muchness really, both very good first rifles, the tikka will be lighter, both are as accurate as each other, both have average at best factory stocks although I prefer the hogue on the howa to the Tikkas.
The bonus with the Howa is that if you speak to your local gunshop they can get just a bare barrelled action from Cameron sports, you can then fit and bed it in whichever stock you prefer, Boyds, McMillan, b&c, whatever and have a great little rifle.
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"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
The tikka factory plastic stock is much stiffer than the howa houge, so if you are working of a bipod the tikka will be the better shooter, the howa feels nicer in hand though. I think I prefer drop plate over a dbm, especially the tikka DBM as you cant top load it, so have to take out the mag and refil every time you want to empty the chamber