what have you put on your ar15s
what have you put on your ar15s
I run a aimpoint red dot,it’s used for helicopter work mostly
Trijicon MRO is awesome, I use red dots for big walks and running game.
I also rate 1-6 and 1-8 scopes for goats and deer.
Personal preference really.
I used a Vortex Viper PST 1-4 for years, was a red dot on 1x with the illumination and a scope in between.
Warm Barrels!
A decent 3-9 scope, while not very cool, will serve you well, and work well within the limitations of cartridges commonly chambered.
Just depends what you're using your AR for.
I use mine for general pest control and hunting out to 250 yd. and currently have 3-9 x 40, 3.5-10 x 40 and 4-12 x 40 scopes in one-piece cantilever mounts.
As Beavis say they don't look as cool as the low-power tactical optics, but very practical for my purposes.
Really liked the IOR 2-12 x 32 I had on my AR15.
Optically brilliant, but hell heavy. If you ran out of ammo, you could use it to club something to death, remount it, and still not lose zero.
aimpoint, a few models both with and without 3 power magnifer
1-4 scopes of a few brands
1-6 swvoski
us optics 1-8
5-25 sworvoski
2.5-10 trikicon
4 and 3.5 power acogs
elcan 4 power
elcan 1/4 power
have run a bunch of leopoulds "hunting" scopes as well
end of the day it depends on what you want to do with the rifle, for shooting fast nothing holds a handle on the eotech but I hate the battery life so have gone to aimpoints. acogs are cool but I found there small eye relife and paralax sensitivity anoying. Elcans rock but 4 power either fixed or max is just not ideal for what I mostly use rifles for. 1-8 is very handy as a lot are almost a red dot scope at 1 power and 8 power is very handy if the retical is sutable(a lot are not). 2.5-10 is very very good forgoats and up but the only retical I have tried in it is only good for goats and up. 5-25 has proven to be my most practical as 5 power with good glass is still as fast as most hunting needs and the higher power end is fantastic for rabbits etc.
budget and use should lead, not what is curently cool. As said above by Bevis it would be hard to go wrong with a good old 3-9. I persony really want to try a 1-10 power march scope next
Using Tapatalk
Leuy VX-R, good optics with the added bonus of an illuminated dot.
Bushnell 4.5-16 AR optics on mine
sitting on top of a 1" riser with burris z-rings. might upgrade it soon if anyone is interested
Goats rabbits the odd deer
I have a 3-9x40 on mine atm, kinda thinking to put a vortex 1-6 or 1-8 scope, or the primary arms 2.5x Compact or the 5x, or one of the vortex red dots, not sure atm. I dont want to spend too much, prob $600 at the max
bushnell engage 2.5 x 10 x 44
Reticle is a little busy but great glass and dials well.