About 3 or 4 weeks ago I purchased an Athlon scope off a forum member.
Scope and money changed hands no problem so all good.
Unfortunately when sighting it in it developed a problem with it's ability to focus, specifically you couldn't focus much past 60 odd yards.
Now it turns out I maybe the 4th owner of this scope and I must confess I was a bit anxious when I realised I was going to be putting the 'no fault no receipt guarantee' to the test.
Scopeuout replied to my Sunday evenings email at around 8:30 Monday morning advising me of who the distributer was.
A short phone call to the distributer resulted in an address being emailed to me for me to forward the scope to.
Tuesday morning the scope was on it's way.
Wednesday I received an email advising me they had received the scope and determined that they were going to supply me with a new one and it will take around 2 weeks as it has to come ex Melbourne.
That was exactly 2 weeks ago.
I am very relieved and pleased with the support that Athlon and their distrubution network provided.
Athlon scopes won't be everyone's cup of tea but my experience is that their support is first class![]()