skip to about 4:30
also this is a dreadful video but shows what I mean somewhat at about 2:50
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skip to about 4:30
also this is a dreadful video but shows what I mean somewhat at about 2:50
Interesting,I don't load mine hard enough to slide the feet( which I have only kept as it occasionally used off a bonnet or roof) and most harris users seem to have spikes.
The spring and hinge allow them to move under recoil if they have to.
I have tried loading hard but found I couldn't keep a consistent poi on different surfaces so now load just enough to "take up the slack"
the spikes are shit because they dig in and cause lateral tension if you make any adjustment without lifting the whole rifle, can't track a moving target etc, and they allow you to load TOO much. You do only want to take up the slack - but I find that I can't even do that half the time with a harris because there is no slack.
i only use up to a 7mm rem mag so no real recoil to speak of so it not a problem , on a 338 and over well maybe
but still preloading a harris is still not a problem if you do it right.
Now being sold under a different listing...
Atlas BT LW17 Tactical 360 Degree Bipod V8 Photo Camera Bipod With ADM 170 S Lever-in Tripods from Consumer Electronics on | Alibaba Group
My Atlas is fucked. Can't turn the knob and tilting either way is too stiff. Was like this when I bought it about 2 years ago. I should find some time to send it back....
This link seems to have expired also has anyone else found a new link, because I can't. Cheers
Yeh quite strange. Couldn't find any on Aliexpress. When I got mine there was at least 3 different listings for them. Cannot even find the spike feet that I got either...and they were an airsoft product not even listed as Atlas.
I very much doubt that Atlas could have driven the knock offs off the market because of patent infringement.
Just to annoy, I am quite happy with mine - obviously not as good as the genuine item but value wise and quality wise well worth the money.
I cant even find any bipods on ali express now,
Yeah I have been looking as well, failed to find it.
it seems all references to Bi-pod a have been removed?! You can try one of these if you have a spare $$$ Hunting Shooting Leupold 4 16X56IRY First Focal Plane Dual Illuminated Level meter Gradienter Rifle Scope Made in China -in Riflescopes from Sports & Entertainment on | Alibaba Group
Not Aliexpress but could be worth the risk Wholesale Bipod - Buy Cheap Bipod from Chinese Wholesalers |
That looks like the one... looks like the parts and accessories rip-off site.
Here's a review of various bipods on the market
Shooting Gear: We Test 8 Premium Bipods | Outdoor Life