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Thread: Auckland arms fair

  1. #1
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Auckland, New Zealand

    Auckland arms fair

    Did anyone else go to this on the weekend?

    This was the first one I'd been to. I was actually pretty disappointed. It was mostly a bunch of old Junkers people were asking silly money for in a hall. It was a bit awkward being watched observing the guns.

    Probably the best bit was getting to look at all the beautiful old single action colts and some of the old lever actions. I saw an old black powder double barrel shotgun with external hammers. I liked the look of some of the new muzzle loaders too. I think that might be something I'll tinker in in the future. I've had the chance to shoot a few in the past and enjoyed it. I couldn't hit much with it though. Especially the flint lock ones.

    We weren't allowed to take photos so I have nothing to show unfortunatly.

  2. #2
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Mate I have been twice in past but it is a few years since I have and it sounds as though it hasn't changed much. Although it is sad to say it of a gun fair, the only thing I ever found interesting was a knife makers stand the first time I went about 8 years back
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  3. #3
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    Having been around it for a few years on and off, I think it is a group of guys with the same interests which really is not modern.
    RF is right older stuff. I was involved 15 years ago and still the same group, apart from the ones that have past on.
    More militaria and collecting, but they have heaps of knowledge and preserve much of our sport and military history in those collections, very dedicated people.
    Gun Show is probably not quite the correct name

  4. #4
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    Dec 2011

    I'm with Rushy on this one - seems the same old same old stuff from previous years. 'Arms Fair' is an interesting way to describe it.
    steven likes this.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RimfireNZ View Post
    Did anyone else go to this on the weekend?

    This was the first one I'd been to. I was actually pretty disappointed. It was mostly a bunch of old Junkers people were asking silly money for in a hall. It was a bit awkward being watched observing the guns.
    This would be par for just about every "show" I have attended, I havent bothered going to any in 10 years. Anything half decent I think will be on Trademe with a premium price attached to it as they are bound to find some mug in all of NZ who'll pay, so whats left there is usually over-priced rubbish only fit for the bin with a price tag approaching new.

    Muzzle loaders, yes they look like fun but the price seems steep..."hit much" I think there is at least one NZ organisation that holds shooting competitions for blackpowder etc. First off though I want a go at WSRA stuff.


  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    This would be par for just about every "show" I have attended, I havent bothered going to any in 10 years. Anything half decent I think will be on Trademe with a premium price attached to it as they are bound to find some mug in all of NZ who'll pay, so whats left there is usually over-priced rubbish only fit for the bin with a price tag approaching new.

    Muzzle loaders, yes they look like fun but the price seems steep..."hit much" I think there is at least one NZ organisation that holds shooting competitions for blackpowder etc. First off though I want a go at WSRA stuff.

    Plenty of guys shooting black powder every weekend all round NZ.

  7. #7
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    Ray Carvell used to hold some good gun shows i Auckland, not the auctions they do now, They had some good gear for sale back in the early 90s
    Looks like the Sika show is about the best for modern

  8. #8
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    Have always looked at the ads for this event with a sideways glance, wondering whether or not I should visit. Guess that my suspicions have been confirmed.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Have always looked at the ads for this event with a sideways glance, wondering whether or not I should visit. Guess that my suspicions have been confirmed.
    G&T Enterprises says it all? Lol

  10. #10
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    Don't know why gun shops don't pool together to run a fair with specials make it a 3 day period at like event grounds or so
    Food/rides for the kids clothing,shooting clubs.
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  11. #11
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Collectors value different things in a gun, compared most people. What looks like an "overpriced old junker" may be extremely valuable.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Survy View Post
    Don't know why gun shops don't pool together to run a fair with specials make it a 3 day period at like event grounds or so
    Food/rides for the kids clothing,shooting clubs.
    It's called the Sika show in Taupo in Sept, it's worth the trip

  13. #13
    bas is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    Collectors value different things in a gun, compared most people. What looks like an "overpriced old junker" may be extremely valuable.
    Nope, even to collectors most if not all is over priced junk aimed at catching some sucker out. Most of the good stuff gets traded between collectors, sold at auction or traded the night before when they are setting up.

  14. #14
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Yeah I wasn't talking about this show in particular, I just meant in general what looks bad to an average hunter (It's all rusty?!?! reblue it!!) may be rare and sought after



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