So I've just recently moved to Auckland and picked up some work, and now thinking that it would be a good time to finally go fo either my E or B as I've had to sell out of my F-class to pay for moving costs and life bills in general.
Now that I've settled down I want to get back in to a shooting sport to chew up my hobby time without blowing the bank like my last did. Just by your guys experience, would you say pistol shooting or owning an MSSA is cheaper for general costs and ammo for competition/range use along with hunting goats and other pests on private farms etc for MSSA.
Also how are the auckland clubs in regards to coming in at your own leisure for practice and are there any clubs that offer any kind of run and gun range that you shoot around corners or out of the back of vehicles etc, or is that more of an American thing with their relaxed laws?
Also is E endorsement easier to obtain and upkeep as opposed to the hoops and strings of mandatory club event attendance with B as well as only being able to use pistols are approved locations. I've seen alot of debate about people putting hunting on their MSSA reasons, but if I get accepted for competition use and someone for some reason calls the police about my "black rifle" in the bush, will I be hung out to dry?