Greetings @iambatman,
I understand your reasons for considering a change from the 6.5 x 55 and think you are on the right path with the .308. I would like to make a suggestion that you don't abandon your interest in the 6.5 x 55. As you have discovered decent ammo is hard to get due to the US chronically underloading the cartridge. This is easily solved by handloading but even here it is not easy. Good load data is sparse and often contradictory, even in the same data set. US reloading dies do not match the chamber well and of course projectiles in 6.5 are hard to come by at the moment. So why do you ask am I putting in a good word for the 6.5? It is because I have found that loading for the 6.5 x 55 is very rewarding. The cartridge is easily the equal of the .308 when loaded to its potential, and I am not talking about Roman Candle loads either, but it is not for the novice. I started handloading over 50 years ago and lusted after a 6.5 x 55 for years until I got my first one about 1990. I have to say that the 6.5 has taught me more about handloading in those 30 plus years than all of my other rifles put together.
In short get your .308 or whatever you decide on but don't give up on owning a 6.5 x 55 some time in the future.
Regards Grandpamac.