Just wondering if having a bayonet lug is part of a MSSA feature or not. Reason I ask is I have notice that half of Gun City A-Cat AR15's have bayonet lugs on them
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Just wondering if having a bayonet lug is part of a MSSA feature or not. Reason I ask is I have notice that half of Gun City A-Cat AR15's have bayonet lugs on them
You will find that the front tips of the lug have been ground off. Not functional, but seems to be open to interpretation by a few AOs.
My AR15 was like that, so I removed the rest, as it was pointless anyway.
PS, Why are you looking at GC AR15s??????????????????????
I'm not, GC way over price. But there ammo (by the 100's) sells at a good price. plus they where the only place open on a public holiday
Front sight on trademe with a bayonet lug
Doublestar AR15 Front Sight Housing NEW | Trade Me
Well, you don't need a license or endorsement to buy an A2 front sight with the lug (do need them to import though). Having a rifle it fits then makes it an MSSA, same as having a 30 round mag or pistol grip in your possession, fitted or not.
whos got the cheapest ars
and selling them....
Doublestar AR15 Front Sight Housing NEW | Trade Me
gunsnz.com, ar15nz.com are 2 of the best priced places to start looking.
The other way is to import parts in <$300US lots so you avoid GST and NZ import duty. Current Customs NZD conversion factor is 0.76 so $400NZ = $304USD so if you aimed at $250~270US per lot you should be fine. Each lot will take about 6 weeks however as you will need to do a US state dept forms posted to Brownells and wait. Doing an AR15 will save some $100s but not a lot, if you want an AR10 though these seem typically $1k more in NZ so you should save quite a bit.
Where you start to save is when you want better than a budget AR15, ie fancy parts then the savings seem to add up as fancy parts here are an arm and a leg.
thanks I wasn't realy into them but after I used one I got a little bit interested so the ranger ones are shit
I wasnt either til I got mine now I love shooting it. What I really like is I can shoot 50+ 223 in a few minutes and not feel like I have been beaten up like I do with my Enfields. So 200~300 223 rounds on a range morning, no problems, which means good practice. Ive tried doing that with my Enfields and by lunchtime I want someone to drive me home to a good nap and some muscle ointment.
cup-a-concrete Steven ? :D
Thanks maca