Does anyone use a bench rest for sighting in their rifles
Does anyone use a bench rest for sighting in their rifles
I have used one that I set in the ground on the farm, though I don’t use it at all these days
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Last edited by MSL; 29-10-2021 at 10:55 PM.
Use whatever system you hunt with
Often a fixed Harris (1A2 model) is the best all round hunting setup that suits most people.
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
IF I had acess to one..yes would use it to ZERO rifle...but not heck of a lot of use to me after that....
shoot as you would in field and expect same POI...... benchrest/leadsled/etc etc etc all good in thier place.
I have been known to use a bipod too now,but still firmly hold forend .....much prefer decent daypack. only bought bipod as shooting heavy rifle in long grass made it logical...
I use all kind of pillows n blankets but never seam to hold it poi,in the same place twice , would a bench rest do this ?
yes it lowers the human factor.......you possibly arent holding forend firm enough if you getting major differences using other ways.....
once you get consistant hold you will get consistant POI........and BEFORE someone flames me......if you have CONSISTANT loose hold,eg hug yourself over bipod,you will have consistant POI too....with heavy rifle with low recoil you can get away with allsorts. lighter rifle....not so much.
Absolutely, a benchrest will take (lack of) steadiness out of the equation. A rolled up jacket over the bonnet doesn't cut it..
Bench rest,sand bag or cushion,rifle on top.Takes the bounce out of the front of yr rifle.
Thanks for that , just brought one ,
A bench rest ensures you get better accuracy out of your firearm for sighting in, but you may find the POI (point of inmpact) changes out in the field when you rest it on a daypack or hold it free of any rests. It pays to experiment.
Yes. Sure do. Zero the rifle over sand bags or the old bench rest and afterwards I check if its the same of off bipods, tripods or daypacks(which it generally is.)
Great thanks for the advice