Bent Pro-shot cleaning rod
So if you are a ham hamfisted coot like me you also might possess one of the nice stainless steel/red alloy cleaning rods, they come about 6' long and are real easy to put a kink in - it happened to mine years ago and it's been lying in the corner throwing me accusatory glances from time to time.
Today necessity and a slow day prompted me to do something about it . . . After a good look I determined the handle was secured by a tiny roll pin in a blind hole, bloody hard to extract even with proper gear (which I don't have) A bit more figuring revealed a 1.0mm drill bit would go through the roll pin, a 1.3 would have been better but I didn't have one. So I worked the 1.00 drill through the pin and turned the blind hole into one that went right thru. From the exit side I drilled it out with a 2.5mm and pushed the roll pin out easy.
I cut the bent part off, it has a point and a recess for the roll pin. A wee test revealed the point wasn't essential for it to roll freely, and in lieu of a lathe I ground the locking recess with a thin disc angle grinder whilst turning the rod with a drill - eat durt Bubba!
And it works and has cleaned 2 22s
I might go into gun rustorations after I've sharpened up my skills doing another 20 or so . . . .