Hi lads and ladies,after a taking a fall and landing on my bino's completely f%#$kin them I'm in the market to buy a new pair and wondering what you all are using,
Any ideas greatly appreciated,
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Hi lads and ladies,after a taking a fall and landing on my bino's completely f%#$kin them I'm in the market to buy a new pair and wondering what you all are using,
Any ideas greatly appreciated,
Sent from my ALE-L02 using Tapatalk
Hot Barrels and tight lines
Budget and type of hunting?
How much money ya got?
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
A big fast bullet beats a little fast bullet every time
No long range glassing mainly across the ridge not catchment
As for buget still to be confirmed by the accountant ha-ha but I'm aiming for around the $500 mark
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Hot Barrels and tight lines
Across the ridge as in 200yards away or 800+
I'd say out to 400 meters +/-
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Hot Barrels and tight lines
Vortex 8x42 diamond back should be around $450 new
10 power Delta @Sarvo
You can get the 10x42 vortex diamond back for about $380 off trademe, great buying and you won’t regret it! Great warranty and best bang for your buck in my opinion!
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+1 for the vortex diamond backs, awesome value for money can not notice the difference between my mates $1000 leupolds and the diamond backs. Awesome lifetime warranty also.
Sounds like vortex are the go,,
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Hot Barrels and tight lines
I have vanguard ed2s and they might be a little more than your budget but worth a look brilliant clarity and field of view.
Worth a look $500 a8nt a lot when it comes to binos but it's still more than you wanna throw away.
Go look at several pairs in your price range and see what works for you.