Best Hand-Held Thermal $4k or less?
Hi All,
Looking to pickup a hand-held thermal, for daylight, winter deer hunting in moderately open bush and also tussocky hills/guts. It's a long drive from where I live to where I hunt (2+ hrs), and I know there are deer bedded down and I'm walking right past them, and would prefer to bring home a few more animals to make the travel worth it. And I do like toys ;)
Anyhow, I was looking at the Guide Track IR 50mm ($4k), or the Guide IR 510 Nano 25mm ($2.5k), and was wondering if anyone has experience with either or can perhaps make a recommendation for something better at that price range? I know that the Pulsar are highly regarded, but also a lot more expensive for comparable specs.
Also, if someone has a decent quality unit for sale I'd be open to purchase, but would want it to be in very good condition, late model.
Thanks a lot!