I have used Araldite before, but not convinced it's the best. Marine epoxy? Something else?
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I have used Araldite before, but not convinced it's the best. Marine epoxy? Something else?
Brownells accuglass goes good. Ive heard of people using devcon a lot.
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Devcon 10110
2 part epoxy and stainless-steel powder
Coloured black
Zero shrink, machinable
For repairing magnesium gearbox housings on helicopters etc
The worlds BEST bedding compound.
Can get it in various sized containers including economical tubes like toothpaste
Blackwood’s and other engineering supplies stock it
Use a release compound from rocol or others, you must use a release compound
Leave rifle in the hot water cupboard for a few days to fully cure
There’s some essential tricks to bedding rifles, pm me if your interested in techniques for a drama free job
Have used this MatchGrade bedding compound that Nathan Foster developed for hunting and competition rifles. Local product, well documented and supported.
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Plus one for the above post^^^ easy to use and great NZ made product.
Also Nathan gives some very handy advice on almost every rifle which pit falls on what to look out for.
Shame about the export thing.
Araldites ok it's slightly liquid so easier to work with than devcon but devcon withstands heat better.
I spent hours on YouTube and reading Fosters instructions to get it sorted. Then bought a Dremel tool to grind out the shit jobs that I paid for to be done.
Both Sako 75’s.
Both Senator stocks that the lying fuckwit that used to run Senator fucked up. And ruined a set of Sako action screws in the process.
School yourself and take it slow. Immensely satisfying when it shoots less than 1/4 MOA.
Where do you buy devcon 10110?
Marine Tex
Cool thanks guys i will look into that devcon
Thanks @chainsaw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzXHkyCdyuQ This is a pretty good instruction to follow.
I have used the Devcon too, worked very well for me