I picked up a .223 1:8 twist Tikka Varmint after the announcement to ban semis.
It is incredibly accurate... I tested 4 loads last time I went out (same powder charge but different seating lengths), and the largest 5 shot group was 0.321inch and the smallest around 0.15inch at 100m. (the .402 and .385 are the same group, just measured from different sides, and the .402 isnt right on the edge of the hole. subtract .223 from total to get group size).
Anyway its bog standard and pushing a 75gr at close to 3000fps and shooting incredibly tiny groups...especially considering the brass is once fired brass that has been shot in other guns and hasn't even been tumbled or anything.
I may be biased but the results speak for themselves... the Tikkas are pretty damn good.