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Thread: Which bolt 223 to look out for

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    since i seem to have a surplus of 5.56 (jeez i wonder why) i wanted something cheap to use it up. enter the norinco bush ranger or whatever they call it this week.
    ok its no tack driver but after loctite and remounting the bases. a set of burris rings and a leupold scope (which i will keep if i sell it) to be honest i am impressed for the $$. 1.5" with factory ammo isnt too shabby as its pretty much a hare/goat/wallaby gun.
    is it worth $500 , hell yes.
    will it make you the next carlos hathcock, no way
    mudgripz likes this.

  2. #17
    Member Tertle's Avatar
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    Thanks guys all extremely positive comments, @mudgripz I’ve been following the maxtoch evolution, we will catch up soon, but I agree you can spend a whole lot more to get less, I’ve reloaded for one of the guys at the handloaders club and that was a weatherby, it shot very nicely in the end.

    The vixen I looked at looked as if the barrel was aftermarket, it had a heavier barrel, could be wrong though, the action was very nice.

    Thinking a little further along, as I’ve been caught out with a rifle I used to own, mag length, I don’t want to find that a mag length would hinder my ability to reload to a longer seating depth, I know there are after market mags I could try and get, are there any particular makes that this could be a problem in?

    Again thanks for the comments, I’m in no immediate rush, just doing some due diligence first, but the comments are already comming in very handy

  3. #18
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    There's a Tikka CTR at Shooters Supplies in .223/adj cheek riser - 1/8" twist - 20" model. Could chop 4" off it and put a can on it? That would put total weight at around 3-3.5kg. I had a fondle the other day, the bolt is smooth as butter and stock is very comfy to hold.
    Didn't know they even did the CTR in 223.
    The new T3x stock is pretty nice, especially for a facory stock.
    The CTR is a very well balanced rifle considering the 24" heavy barrel, with it cut down to 20" and suppressed would not be to unwieldy for a hunting rifle.

    I was in Guncity today and looked at a heap of rifles, Tikka, Bergara, Howa, Ruger, Remington and CZ.
    Ive always been a Tikka slut and I just confirmed it again, between the action, trigger, magazines, stock shape and just the best synthetic stock (IMO) it's really hard for me to look past the Tikka.

    The CZ 527 was nice and other European rifles are nice, but value for money it's hard to look past the Tikka.
    Last edited by Beetroot; 23-07-2019 at 02:58 PM.
    Tertle, Shearer and rossi.45 like this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
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    I picked up a .223 1:8 twist Tikka Varmint after the announcement to ban semis.

    It is incredibly accurate... I tested 4 loads last time I went out (same powder charge but different seating lengths), and the largest 5 shot group was 0.321inch and the smallest around 0.15inch at 100m. (the .402 and .385 are the same group, just measured from different sides, and the .402 isnt right on the edge of the hole. subtract .223 from total to get group size).

    Anyway its bog standard and pushing a 75gr at close to 3000fps and shooting incredibly tiny groups...especially considering the brass is once fired brass that has been shot in other guns and hasn't even been tumbled or anything.
    I may be biased but the results speak for themselves... the Tikkas are pretty damn good.

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  5. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Sako Carbonlight if you want the best factory rifle for nz conditions.

    Tikka Superlight if you want something accurate and not too expensive.
    7mmsaum, GWH and Marty Henry like this.

  6. #21
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Tikka has expanded greatly their line on calibre selection for the CTR's. The OAL for the mag is decent too for reloading. I think in due time I will get one. Chopped & suppressed would make for an excellent carry rifle.

  7. #22
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    I'd like a sako 75 or kimber Montana given the choice
    If I found either I'd sell my howa mini
    The howa is a nice rifle once you shorten the mag release and magazine
    I can't stand non stainless rifles but I live close to the ocean so things rust here (Iv read the howa stainless is not very rust resistant but so far so good) even my existing Kimber likes to brown up a bit
    If it is a choice between the ruger American and the howa mini I have both and favour the howa

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Tribrit View Post
    Sako Carbonlight if you want the best factory rifle for nz conditions....
    I have one of these and I must say it's super sexy and it goes very well with the factory ammo I run through it. That said, with the same ammo my son's Tikka appears to be more accurate. Those photos above from ChrisW are typical of the Tikka in 1:8 twist on a non-modified 22" barrel.
    I need to do a bit more of a scientific comparison to get some better data and maybe I could work up some better loads for mine... but I have to admit it's hard to beat the Tikka - and no, I don't even like them that much.
    andyanimal31, Shearer and 6x47 like this.

  9. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tertle View Post
    So I’m looking to get a bolt action 223, I’ve started to look online for the various option and whilst I’ve looked at a few I’ve also been told to look for certain production years as I was considering rem 700 range.

    I’ve looked at a sako vixen but that whilst a beautiful rifle had a 1/14 rate of twist, I’ve also looked at Howa, weatherby
    And tikka, tikka May well be another option?

    I would prefer a rate of twist in the 7-9 range, a heavier barrel contour and length doesn’t phase me, nor does stock construction. I reload and can easily develop a load.

    Use, once my disk in my back stops bulging, will be to get out on wallaby’s through to light to medium framed deer.

    I note in the 700 range a considerable amount of various models, I also get that the ability to drop in a better trigger group etc, just really interested in the feedback from you all around which models etc to look at. I know this will possibly be like asking how do you like your steak with all the possible replies but before I settle on a rifle would like some thoughts you have

    I think you'll probably enjoy the trip no matter what rifle you end up with, pretty hard to happen across a 223 that does not shoot well these days.

    The choices are pretty subjective really - my priorities are fit, ease of use, light weight and visual and feel aesthetics = vixen or similar CZ 527 or even a Savage LWH, I'm much more walnut and blued action than the alternatives. I know the current Tikka's shoot well but they just leave me cold in all other regards - it's very subjective.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    When I went down the path of seeking a .223 I looked at a CZ527 but having a wood/blued gun with a protruding magazine didn’t cut it for me so I ended up with my first of many Tikkas to come.

    I bought a .223 with 1:8 twist & ran 55gr Sierras which killed amazing. Over the years I’ve had the bolt fluted, barrel cut to 19 inch with DPT over barrel suppressor & finally a Stug CF stock. That Gun just shoots everything from 55 gr upwards into 1/2 inch groups!

    Looking back on the money spent on that rifle I could have just gone & bought a Kimber Montana .223 for the same amount as they were only $1800 at that time.

    I have a Montana in 7mm-08 which has been great so far. Certainly lightweight!

    I also have two sakos (A1 & L461) both in .222 & their awesome wee guns & both hold 7 rounds in the internal magazine but if you have the money & prepared to wait then keep an eye on Trade Me for one to pop up or ring around various shops to see if you come across one then ream the existing chamber or rebarrel it as they are stunning guns to carry on the hill.

    Go the mighty .223
    tikka, Dama dama and bing like this.

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Accuracy would possibly be more critical for 223 than big cartridges but past a certain point many models meet accuracy requirements and other factors like feed, bolt lift, dropout magazine, fit, trigger, elegance and general reliability distinguish between models. T3 will always be limited in elegance by having a 7mm Rem length bolt and reciever. If you want a matched set of calibres (22LR, 223, 6.5 and 7RM) in identical stock and format then Tikka is the way to go.

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    What I take from this thread is; when it comes to 223 any brand of rifle will do, but buy a Sako (of any vintage) if u can afford it.
    "The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    I'm looking at a Ruger American Ranch rifle in 7.62x39. I'm pretty sure they do them in 223. Hikock45 on YouTube does some good reviews on them and he seems to rate them pretty well.
    Gun control is using both hands

  14. #29
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dama dama View Post
    What I take from this thread is; when it comes to 223 any brand of rifle will do, but buy a Sako (of any vintage) if u can afford it.
    I lurves muh Sako 75 .223.

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    I'm also getting a Howa 1500 .223 in the Bravo chassis stock with my Jacinda payout.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  15. #30
    J bucks



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