so, ive had 2 x 270 remmys, that were meticulously scrubbed by me to remove all copper etc every time shot, which grouped unbelievably with fact ammo at 100m.
ive now got a used ss remmy 700 in 308, and ive scrubbed the bore and it keeps showing copper= blue tinge to patches, will this be from the brass? tipped thingees that hold the patches or not ? ive run out of barnes cr10 or whatever its called, so will go to get some more. but have read some ppls use autosol? to polish the bore so i dont have to go thru the 1 shot, then clean then 1 shot then clean drama, not that im lazy, i just dont wannaim sure there are ppls out there that dont believe in any of these processes, and some that do, im just trying to find out who "does" polish their bore when barrel is new, and what do they use?
when i shot both my 270s,after the first few super duper cleans they always cleaned up a beaut with no copper left in there very quickly....