Can we still get these sent to New Zealand I see Newzealand is nolonger on there ship to list
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Can we still get these sent to New Zealand I see Newzealand is nolonger on there ship to list
I believe they're within a week or two of resuming shipments to New Zealand.
Hmm interesting. Wonder why they refuse to ship to joe bloggs but will ship commercial quantitys. Boyds were blaming NZ customs for the issue originaly I think. What has changed?
I think it has more to do with Dead Eye Dicks becoming the NZ agent rather than customs...
Is that good or bad for the man on the street ? seriously. I dont know.
Anything DED gets hold of exclusively results in excessive profit taking...
There are ways and means of getting stocks out of the US. Some suppliers will ship, some wont. You can also get Minox out of the US, again gotta do your research and be a little bit crafty. If Boyds want to be prats about it, there are other stocks available, try Richards Microfit. And most of the synthetic stocks are available one way or another too. ie B&C Medalist landed in NZ for $290US - approx $350 NZ. Or get hold of a mate over there and have it shipped to them, and then they ship it on. Try to NOT use USPS, use USP or Conus for shipping.
But if you get a mate to ship something out of the states without the correct paperwork in place, are you not leaving your mate open to a whole can of whooparse ?
No paperwork required for a stock.
even if over $100?
export license ?
I believe the $100 that Boyds use to quote was their own limit, no paperwork required for gifts and i have been told no paperwork required for 2nd hand goods. Different story for gun bits such as bolts etc.
Your wrong , ALL gun parts leaving the states require an export licence , There are many companies who will to risk it but these are getting fewer and fewer as US customs and the state dept find them and crack down , Every one has a 'mate' who is willing to export for them , How willing are you to take the wrap when he gets caught .
Quote from US State Dept during recent troubles with stock exports
A rifle stock is a component of a firearm and therefore, Category I (h) on the US Munitions List. An export license from DDTC is required. I am frankly amazed that the folks at McMillan would not be aware of the requirement.
Stephen M. Geis
DDTC Response Team
Contractor, XL
McMillan would probably know as well as anyone else, they probably couldn't be fucked with the paper work. Last I checked B&C were no go for export - no longer registered.
After having troubles with the US Customs and State Dept cracking down on exports of Firearms parts ( This involved many companies like B&C , McMillan , PTG etc ) last year we could see the writing on the wall and organised export licences for many brands including some we dont currently do like Boyds and Manners , This by no means make us an agent we are just able to export them from the states legally. This all comes at a cost as no one does shit for free .
Awesome customer relation skills right there
your right Wildman , this is a public forum , and when these so called experts start posted unfounded bullshit on here about a legitamate company resulting in other members getting poor information it pisses me off . If they bothered to ask the question before they start posting that crap i could have given them a pretty good idea on what is going on with imports and exports as this is a big part of our bussiness and have a pretty good take on whats going on . They started flinging shit first dont expect me to sit here and take it . These forums used to be good for exchanging ideas , info , knowlege etc , now they have just turned into shit slinging matches , thats why i dont bother getting involved with most discussions.
One thousand apologies Looseunit! I was told by a credible source (ie. someone quite well regarded in the firearm industry) that they could not get me a Boyds in as DED was the agent now.
Having said that, just saying "nah mate, we aren't" probably would have sufficed ;)
You must be Jason. I believe we have spoken on the phone...
Out of interest, what would getting in a Nutmeg laminate Prairie Hunter for a Howa 1500 SA with a Pachmayr recoil pad set me back? Would be really keen if you can get them at a decent price.
If you bother to read the quote... I said nothing about Boyd's... it was a general comment... born out of personal dealings in the past and ongoing observation over the years.
I don't give a toss about your sensitivities, and so far as my custom is concerned you don't need to worry about that... you lost it years ago...
You should however make a better effort at keeping what you've got... :D
Hi there I tryed Richard micro fit as well as Russo as they inlet for tikka t3 but they are not sending to New Zealand at this point cheers nathan