I'm going to be in the states soon and was going a stock sent to me then post it to NZ. Anyone done this or fore see a problem? Or even bringing it back via checked luggage?
I'm going to be in the states soon and was going a stock sent to me then post it to NZ. Anyone done this or fore see a problem? Or even bringing it back via checked luggage?
When I was in LA i spoke to boyds with a view to doing exactly what are suggesting.
"Unfortunately the mailing address of your credit card has to be in the same country as you are having the stock shipped, so we will not be able to send a stock to you while you are on vacation".
They then pointed me in the direction of their NZ distributor.
If you know someone in the US perhaps get them to buy it with their card and fix them up when you get there.
I have been waiting 6 months watching their sale page to see if they have a sako A7 270 stock on clearance! They won't ship unless its under $99 US
What part of the US are you going to?
Creative Markets LTD, Auckland New Zealand
Not sure but I think it will be.
@Ranal what sort of stock are you after?
I have a Boyds Classic Uninlet Nutmeg Laminate (Unfinished) stock that I bought a while ago and don't need.
Can't you buy it through PayPal and change the delivery address?
That's what I did on a trip to LA back in July. Worked ok then.
Oh but the hotel charged me $5 to pick it up from reception![]()
There are ways and means to getting around the payment/address thing and have it delivered to your hotel or friends etc. easy peasy. BUT, be very careful taking it out on checked baggage, they xray it and usually ask you for the paperwork for it. Check with US Customs re bringing a bolt action stock out, get the right paperwork and you then have no problem when they see it in their xray machines and hold up the whole plane for you, or worse leave your bag behind. US Customs are relatively easy to talk to.
Thanks for that guys. Not keen on the trademe pricing. Will see what issues are posting it from the states.
If you are looking at stocks from the US have a look at Richards Microfit. Not available here as they refuse to ship outside the US but their stocks, variety and price seem better than what Boyds ofer. The reason Boyds is popular and known here was they WERE easy to get as they would ship here....
Richards Microfit Gunstocks
Factory Seconds
Yeah I like their stuff but the 6 weeks to make has always put me off. Just trying to find out the regulations if I can post it to NZ or not. If anyone has a link to a website that's helpful would be great. As I would really like a nicer stock for my .22 and they do one for a reasonable price.
Regs in US state any firearms parts worth more than US$100 need an export licence/permit. That's why Boyds won't send them.
This might help you