Yes, correct meaning of half cocked.
I realise now that @i41do2 when talking of walking with the gun "half cocked" means walking about with the bolt half closed on a round, mountain safety council advice style.
The MSC advice was done after work done experimenting with Lee Enfield rifles cocked and with their safety on (the safety lever, not the half-cock facility) and it was found it was often unreliable, particularly you could drop the safetied LE on a rock and the rifle could go off if the rock impacted on its cocking knob. They could also set off rifles with a hammer to the cocking knob despite the safety lever being on.
Long story short, that was how the MSC advice was born. It was good advice for cock-on-close Lee Enfields which most people were using back then, but for a cock-on-open Mauser it is less great - with a smooth action you might accidentally go fully into battery by stumbling or by dropping it end-first.