Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Well here's to hoping you don't post anything about it then.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
An 85 finlight. Nothing at all wrong with it but had no appeal, no character, and the tikka in the same cartridge shot just as well at less than the half the price. Carried it for a couple of deer then sold it to a mate. he loves it.
Just a slopy retrobate
I just avoided buyers remorse at an auction earlier this week, got beaten into second place.
@P38 Will be here soon as hes off to the Florida gun show![]()
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
the hornet is a deadly little thing in the right hands
What about scopes....
vortex viper HS great build but less than average optics
vortex PST 4-16 couldnt see rabbits at 16x power I could see with my 8x binos
Bushnell Elite 4.5-30 dissapointing past 20x
Clearidge 4.5-22 better than the Bushnell...
Sighton S-Tac 4-20 should have known better at US $350
Meopta HTR 6.5-20 Well Meopta sure know how to f..k up one of the best scopes out there!
Zeiss Conquest HD5 5-25 HD yeah right...optics on par with the old MC but tunnel view, dumb zero stop, 5 oz heavier
The only one I'm happy with so far is my Conquest MC 6.5-20 with the No 20 reticle. But I have a second one with No 43 reticle that does not focus as sharply! and sent a third one back that also didnt focus properly and had a foreign object inside it!.
Probably going to regret the Nikon X1000 I have just ordered as well...when will I lean...never as you just have to take a punt because you cant trust anyone of the manufacturers to deliver what they promise and its almost impossible to actually go into a gunshop in NZ and try before you buy with optics.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
The only buyers remorse I have is not buying the ones I should of when I had the chance.
However I do have truck loads of sellers remorse
On a brighter note I had one of these turn up at my Hotel yesterday
The US Postal Service Rocks
Took two days from the time I ordered it to the time the front desk notified me I had a package arrive, came half way across the country too.
Last edited by P38; 26-08-2017 at 02:53 PM.
Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.
After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.
No regrets for me , but some for the guy who turned up yesterday with a semi auto, off trade me, would not cycle , just about dented the shell, wrong magazine ( it was filled to fit) apparently going back on trade me, so watch out for a tiger stripped.22 ( stripes burn,t in with a blow torch )