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Thread: Is buying 69 firearms from GunCity in 18 months signs of an addiction ?

  1. #16
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Quote Originally Posted by Nibblet View Post
    Have never brought new from store, do they take down your details or just view your licence?
    In my experience the seller has always recorded full details of the sale in a register.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Sapper View Post
    There is no requirement for fire arms retailers to monitor sales, only sight the buyer's fire arms licence and if satisfied, record the details in their register.

    I am puzzled however, as to why you say, "and visiting the AO every month.." as that is not necessary when buying a A cats as this chap was. (Might be for other cats , but I plead ignorance there :>)
    Only if he as buying via mail order, then the required signed form, signed by either local Police or AO, depending on where he lived.

    All my purchases have been written into the shops' register book. But 3 guns a month for a year and a half

  3. #18
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Well it's not illegal to purchase 3 and a half guns a month. I don't want retailers thinking I'm fishy if I buy 1000 rounds of ammo or something (but but but it's unusual!!!!) and reporting me to the police. Obviously this guy was up to something, but what he was doing was illegal and now he's getting fucked in accordance with the law, so good.

  4. #19
    Member sako75's Avatar
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    and the 74 firearms along with 16,000 rounds of ammo are out there somewhere

  5. #20
    Zombie Response Team Trevs's Avatar
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    This might end up causing other new law change. So easy to do and now there are 100's more guns in unknown hands. Police spent last year wasting resources going on about pistol grips on AR's (when there was no real problem) when they should be focusing on how easy it is for large quantities of firearms ending up in the wrong hands.
    dogmatix, Toby, Scouser and 1 others like this.

  6. #21
    Member outdoorlad's Avatar
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    Hopefully the judge gives him a harsh sentence.
    Shut up, get out & start pushing!

  7. #22
    Zombie Response Team Trevs's Avatar
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    in this country, most likely Home detention

  8. #23
    Member jord's Avatar
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    +1 @Rushy
    Guncity (and most other retailers) record your details manually in a book when you purchase new or second hand which IMHO is out of date in this day and age, whislt reliable it doesn't automatically tally/check against recent...or not so recent purchases and only serves as a point of reference. Buy large amounts of ammo is understandable but that's piss poor awareness from staff as far as the firearms go. One can only assume commission and sales took first place to safety or maybe asking some questions?

  9. #24
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    As I have a dealers licence , I was contacted about this a few weeks back , they wanted details of sales between certain months , and yes they where looking into a A cat holder on selling firearms to criminals/ un-licenced people .
    It will be used as push for law changes , its that simple , why because they can , once again , we the lawful will mainly be effected , ie with more restrictive laws etc , will the law breakers basically get away with it .
    Its about time the Police/GovT , realise WE are not the problem , the crims are , its real simple , just have harsh sentence for using a firearm in the commission of a crime , double or triple the sentence , ie IF robbery is 10yrs , then if you use a firearm then its now 30yrs minimum .
    Laws banning stuff , does not work , penilites DO , and that would leave US with FREEDOM , Opps , that makes TOO much sense , and would work ,

    Firearms and their use is NOT the problem , its the miss use of them , and wether thats crims or who ever , give them a super harsh sentence , simple , the crims would fo back to axes , bows and knives etc .

    Look at how the GovT stuffed the legal highs UP , its their JOB , and they cannot get it right , funny that , IF you or I stuffed UP at work , we get sacked , not so for are brillant GovT / MPs etc .

    Due to this , we will have more very porrly formed laws put into place , YET again , it seems we NEVER learn .

    ME , I would just like some , well thought out logical laws , and they donot have to be super complex , Its enough to make Spocks head explode at the moment , sorry Spock .

    Later Chris

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    He was also buying from the Chch store, so would have needed AO to complete postal mail/order purchase form.
    Ahh..........thanks, I had overlooked the mention of the Christchurch store. However, I have purchased product from the ChCh store not listed at Auckland and they have delivered to their Auckland store where I have turned up, flashed the FAL and collected the goodies without any need to call upon Constable Plod."

    I imagine that this particular "boot scraping" would not ever want to be anywhere near a FAO.

    Oh............um was that issue with the Auckland store being robbed under strange circumstances ever clarified and the circumstances made public for us poor punters to see?

  11. #26
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    The way I look at it, the dude is a meth head, so how is knowing what he potentially has, going to affect his course of action? A gun registry didn't stop Jenner or Maybee, why should people be led to believe it will stop a P freak, who only think in the short term to buy another hit. And with the serial# ground off all the guns...good luck trying to trace the most garden variety semi auto .22.

  12. #27
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    Years ago at a round of hearings on the arms act amendments, I backed up my written submission with a verbal one to the sub-committee wich included MPs Marks and the late Horamia. I told them they were wasting resources trying to impose further restrictions on licenced firearms usage when they already know where the real unlicensed stuff is and they should be just going after it instead of persecuting legitimate users. Why aren't they just raiding the shit out of every gang HQ and known habitat and just keep digging and ripping out walls and floors until they have the lot...
    dogmatix and jord like this.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  13. #28
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ishoot10s View Post
    Years ago at a round of hearings on the arms act amendments, I backed up my written submission with a verbal one to the sub-committee wich included MPs Marks and the late Horamia. I told them they were wasting resources trying to impose further restrictions on licenced firearms usage when they already know where the real unlicensed stuff is and they should be just going after it instead of persecuting legitimate users. Why aren't they just raiding the shit out of every gang HQ and known habitat and just keep digging and ripping out walls and floors until they have the lot...
    Because that would make sense. Only thing is "tough laws" make people and parties look better and sustain votes better in the long term.

    Sent from my Browning

  14. #29
    Member jord's Avatar
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    Having a centralised registry of firearms, owners and addresses would be piss easy to set up these days.

    Sent from my Browning

  15. #30
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    You donot need to raid them to stop firearm miss use , simply punish firearm miss use harshly .
    By all means raid them to seize drugs & take the ill gotten gains OFF them & imprison them etc .that should be the main aims of raids , seizing illegal firearms can just be a nice un-intended consceqenece .

    To me the easiest & most elegant solution , is the one , I out lined , simply multiply the std sentence by a factor or 2,3 or 4x , so if robbery is 10yrs say , with a firearm its say 40yrs , or if murder is say 15yrs , its now 60yrs , or if thats too DIFFICULT , and you need to make it simplier for Judges & Lawers, as maybe they cannot do the maths or own/use a calculator , THEN just convert it to a std LIFE sentence ( ie real life , ie never to be released , and imprisoned for ever until their die in place ) .

    So in short , JUST make it LIFE for using a firearm in the commission of a crime .

    And when it gets too hard because we the counrty cannot afford IT , 2 options , either export them to Indo & pay them to hold them , or bring in the death penility , and sell that as not the GovT getting harsh or dacronian , but as a simple cost saving measure/budget in true GoVt style , that would work , as it makes bean counter sense .

    Lets simply make people accountable for their actions , and rewarded approperiatly ( punished ) , Opps , I know the Lawers wont like that , do them out of a lot of earnings .
    And lets stop punishing good people for the acts of a few wrong ins , opps , I better stop , now as I seem to be making sense again .

    Later Chris
    veitnamcam likes this.



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