Can I still hunt with my BAR 4 shot Browning, only want an "Expert" answer, no guessing.
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Can I still hunt with my BAR 4 shot Browning, only want an "Expert" answer, no guessing.
Yes you can until the new legislation comes through, then it will be banned.
3 Shot BAR ??
With hinged Mag ??
Mega-10 and Bunning's have been selling a lot of 150mm PVC pipe with 2 blank off ends and tube of silicon
In 1.2 - 1.5m lengths
Wonder why ;)
Sarvo..the way I read it is any semi auto that has more than 5 rounds...the problem I see with our BARs is that they are semi auto,less than 5 rounds,but can be “modified””changed” to carry more than 5 rounds
The hinged mags can be removed and a larger capacity magazine installed....well if that the case,any gun can be modified!
The Order in Council established a new definition of an MSSA, requiring an E cat endorsement to use it
3 Certain semi-automatic firearms declared to be military style semi-automatic firearms
For the purposes of the Arms Act 1983, the following firearms are declared to be military style semi-automatic firearms:
a semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges:
a semi-automatic firearm that is a shotgun and that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges.
Browning BAR doesn't fit the definition under (a)
Which means at the moment it is an A-Cat firearm. The new legislation banning all centrefire semi -autos has not been passed yet, so is not law. After it is passed ALL centrefire semi-autos are called a "Prohibited Firearm" there is no exemption for magazine style or size for centrefire semi-auto's.
Not sure how - remove the hinged floor plate maybe and adapt (or maybe you can buy) an external mag in
Does this look like something "anyone" would consider modifying
Can you imagine watching this go through the grinder :-(
Attachment 108260
Quote”Browning BAR doesn't fit the definition under (a) what am I missing
Sarvo..that’s exactly what I’m talking about,mine is the same,and talking to my gun nut mate,he reckons that setup can be modified to carry a 10 round mag.....that language “the ability to be modified”is where I have an issue
As I understand it,that will be challenged
Quote..Which means at the moment it is an A-Cat firearm. The new legislation banning all centrefire semi -autos has not been passed yet, so is not law. After it is passed ALL centrefire semi-autos are called a "Prohibited Firearm" there is no exemption for magazine style or size for centrefire semi-auto's.
Broncos sports in Tauranga are still selling bars
Well mate,as another thread has pointed out,....deliberately worded and designed for confusion.!!!!
Basically,these jackarses have rushed this legislation through so quickly without doing their homework,and now have created a situation they are having a hard time justifying
A lee Enfield can be modified to become semi
Where does this idiocy end
yeah big boy; i see what you are saying reign it in.
@GDMP it could be argued that because it is still called a BAR, that it is in fact a military style rifle. Browning have taken a military designed rifle and turned it into a recreational hunting rifle. Browning Automatic Rifle is what the military called it, yes it has been redesigned. It still carries it's military name. That in itself will be it's down fall. Along with being a semi.
stug - I've been away hunting stags so I'm missing something here, so could you please enlighten me. What new legislation banning all centrefire semi -autos are you referring to? I've only seen reference to military style semi-autos or centrefire semi-autos that can be modified to take higher capacity mags than 5 cartridges. The hunting BAR can't accept a larger mag unless the rifle itself is extensively modified and even then I've never seen nor heard of a larger capacity mag being available for it.
All semi auto centrefire are now prohibited. There is no magazine capacity limit for centrefire.
Also when the BAR becomes prohibited the magazine box will become a prohibited part. Pretty sure these are the same as ALL Browning bolt action rifles. Therefore the magazine boxes of ALL Browning bolt action rifles will be prohibited, unless it is a calibre group that a BAR is not made for.
I just looked up the police website and it says:
"a semi-automatic firearm that is capable of being used in combination with a detachable magazine (other than one designed to hold 0.22-inch or less rimfire cartridges) that is capable of holding more than 5 cartridges."
The BAR hunting rifle doesn't have a detachable magazine. Not saying it can't be modified to take one.
You need to check the new legislation for the definition of a prohibited weapon. The Police website info is correct for the law at the moment, but will be incorrect when the legislation is passed
I just been told BAR can have a 10 shot mag so they will be MSSA under current Order In Council.
Okay, thanks for that stug. I presume this is the legislation you're referring to.
Arms (Prohibited Firearms, Magazines, and Parts) Amendment Bill 125-1 (2019), Government Bill 5 New sections 2A to 2D inserted – New Zealand Legislation
Are you sure there are bigger mags for X bolt, or AB3? Being of the design they are it doesn't seem the mag box would accept any other type of magazine? Brownings webpage makes no mention of them. Nor do I get results for aftermarket parts anywhere. The mag box of the A bolt I am unsure about though?
Shit does that mean any of the Howas or 700s are in trouble then?
Given the vast amount of aftermarket conversion kits available.
Up until Monday, I was feeling lucky for me, gutted for those affected. Now possibly 3 firearms lighter. I was just starting to develop a soft spot for my A Bolt.
Christ, where will it end, and Im wondering what will it really cost now that all these other safe firearms are being caught up by having a sharing part with other safe firearms. If only they werent wearing that nasty black dress and high heels.....