The Nikon B700 is worth a look in that league, only 60x but not as wide angle so 35mm equivalent at 1440mm , 20mp, a touch smaller and lighter. The snapbridge connection to the smartphone or tablet works well but not video.
Hind at 600yds , light was fadinging. And stretching the 338 on a rock at 1120yds, not the clearest of atmospheric conditions.
Just a slopy retrobate
sx60, excellent quality in good light.
250 yards
Yes good light is your friend.
These goats wandered into our rock hunt the other day, didnt stay long. 575yds , bit of mirage. Shot in 4k
Just a slopy retrobate
Going to put it beside a 60x spotter and see whats better. I saw deer on a trip about 1.5k away in my bino's .Soon as they layed down I could only see their necks when they looked around shining in the sun. Was hoping I could have a closer look over the area in the future before I wasted half a day climbing to find nothing there. I felt if the bino's were 20x thats all I'd need so a camera of 65x should do the job with ease. But I've been out again and really not much better than the binos at half that range. Played with setttings etc but still not great. May just not be suitable for my needs?They are easy to get on target etc but I'm not after detail as much as finding animals clearly on the limit of my binos ie; is that suspicious brown deer looking object in the middle of the patch of tussock 1.5k away I can't quite see clearly a hind or just a brownish bush?
Heres some footage of a hind on a slip at 1155 yards filmed with my SX50, never had my tripod with me on this walk. But you get the idea.
Found this quite interesting as I use the cannon sx60 as my spotter. It certainly out preforms the binos and the scope at judging animals at long distances. Spotted a cracking chamois buck with my binos and couldn’t even see his horns. Got the camera out and was able to judge it to be a very good animal at 1-1.5k away. Sometimes you do have to wait for the horns or antlers to silhouette on a rock or something to get a better view. It’s certainly saved me some walking over the last couple of years
I have decided to take both a camera and spotter as temperatures and weather could limit the sole use of a camera. Batteries and charging things may be difficult unless in base camps.
Might buy the camera when I get there as it should be cheaper. All hunts are done on horseback for the most part and I will be able to use either depending on the day.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.