What's a good option that won't break the bank?
Interested to hear what out there and what you get nowadays for your dollar.
What's a good option that won't break the bank?
Interested to hear what out there and what you get nowadays for your dollar.
Unsophisticated... AF!
The Garmin is the most convenient option. It's very good.
If you don't want to pay for a Garmin, people are more or less giving away Magnetospeeds. They're equally precise but much less convenient.
If you're wanting to shoot a lot and get really good data it's worth getting a Garmin, as you can get data from every shot at the range. If you want to just get an average velocity for normal hunting use, a Magnetospeed is sufficient. You won't want to zero with a Magnetospeed attached so you'll need to fire more shots, but it may still be not very many.
You can have a play with my Garmin if you want
That's what she said
Great time to buy a secondhand chronograph. Labradar and Magnetospeed going for a few hundy on here. Shooting Chrony and Pro Chrono $100-$200.
If you just need to measure velocity... why pay more.
Or just borrow the forum ones if not needed very often. I have the SI one at the moment. Its ready to be moved on as I have finished with it.
Happy Jack.
Ive got a pro chrono that ive used for decades got it when I was modifying air guns it seemed to work well for what i needed it for and was consistant with the shop one the id get them to do a velocity check as well. Ive also got a german one of some kind that measures the speed by sound or something and thats seems to work well as well
Really rate the Garmin also. Great bit of kit.
A used Lab Radar for around $400 is great value.
If you just use it every now and then, this is the way to go.
If you use a chronic a lot or don't like pissing around the Garmin is well worth the cost, but they don't come up used often so at $1200 it's not cheap.
The new Athlon chrony looks promising but not sure when it'll be available.
The magneto speed is also pretty cheap used now, reliable and accurate, strapping to your barrel messes up your p
POI though so bear that in mind.
The Athlon chronograph is meant to be on the market in April in the US.
My Labradar has never missed a beat and I have fired thousands of rounds passed it in the last 8.5 years.
If I was to buy a new chrony I'd get the newer Labradar LX mainly because it allows shots to be added to previous series. This is a big plus if you take more than one rifle to the range.
Got a prochrony deluxe here for 100 dollars
I have just seen the new Labradar last weekend. A little bit bigger than the Garmin, but same price and it can give you your bc, which is not bad at all.