Came out in the 1894 1:8" twist from day one
The original fast twist quarter bore
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Came out in the 1894 1:8" twist from day one
The original fast twist quarter bore
I have everything to build one except a high wall frame
Chamber reamer
so rim is same as 30/30 uncle Wiki spilt the beans on this one...the specs arent too shabby either,could do much better reloaded for strongish action. seems its been AIed too....
a 7mm waters necked down again to 25 to create a .25/30 in effect would be more in between the two and rather useful too I suspect ..could a fella run a neckless 30/30 into the .25/35 chamber and create a monster????with a sharper shoulder to headspace on.....
the options are endless if you have capability to also make dies with chamber reamers.
@Micky Duck anything can be done if you're mad enough
I believe the 25-40 krag is also a thing
Yep the 25 krag appeared in 1905 Charles Newton of 250 savage fame and a whole range of other proprietary flash cartridges supposedly came up with it.
I had a bit of down time in the workshop while I wait for my 222 Rimmed projects retaining compound to cure
So I ripped into this Stevens 044 1/2 32 Long rimfire.
Converted the breech block from RF to CF. Not so easy on this model but a good result and for the location perfect.
Attachment 231664
Attachment 231665
I had to re cut the 32 RF chamber to 32-20 CF.
Pretty weird reaming out rusty swarf, but it cut a nice enough chamber.
Tested the firing pin strike and protrusion.
Attachment 231666
I had to make a new lever pivot pin, New barrel location screw stud, re shape the extractor tip and fix the ejector spring and plunger.
But the first test fire was a great success considering the bore is not great.
Attachment 231667
But sadly at this point I ran out of ammunition and I loaned my dies to someone who's currently out of the country.
I think @Tedz50 has some ammo aside for me.
Turns out it was a cool little filler project that filled in a wet day.
Now I can get back on to the 222 Rimmed tomorrow
man do I have a place just taylor made for that rifle....... where my short trebly goes for walks,wallabies under 50 yards is the norm...the mighty .270w is a bit overkill and small quietish rifle is nice.
awesome work as always.
@Micky Duck Yes it's an ideal walking vintage rifle for inside 50m
Only problem is it doesn't have any sling mounts on it. Typical of a lot of USA vintage rifles.
So I will need to make a no drill sling for it
My Field's Patent 450 no1 Express got a new roller bearing main spring fitted today
Attachment 256980
Fantastic circa 1880 rifle and everything you would want and need in a decent stalking rifle EXCEPT it has an over 10 pound trigger pull
So rather than play with the sear surfaces I decided a lighter main spring was the answer.
So I made a new one by hand from spring steel.
Thinned down all the main sections by about 50% thickness
Added a micro roller bearing instead of the plain bearing on the original.
Attachment 256981
Refitted it into the action which means a full strip down and build up
Trigger pull is now well under 6 pounds and reasonably smooth and crisp.
Ideal for a fast 450 BPE
Attachment 256982
That’s the best thing I’ve seen on this forum all year.