I often wonder if the fellas who trade in a good n faithful wife ,the mother of thier kids and who was great homemake and no slouch between the sheets for some younger slimmer model with less sag and more bounce...get five years down the track and look back thinking oh what a dickhead I have been..thinking with the dick instead of the head...the gloss wears off the newer model with time too and its then not as good as the old model... and thats possible the biggest difference with rifles ,how well they will age..... LOTS of you fellas have bought something like a brand spanking new T3 and then change things right from the get go...yip guilty of adding wooden stock to my howa to replace the hogue....
guess its like buying the new wife a boob job???would have got better value for money and..and...and bang for your buck!!! sending the older model in for some updates (but only if it was her suggestion of course) pity the little ladies dont get a suppressor screwed on to lower the noise factor LOL