A 16" 7mm08 will still do the business at 300m no problem.
Experience. What you get just after you needed it.
It‘s not wise to spend money on something that is not much different from what you‘ve got already when you don’t have the finances to play around!
7 08 should do what you need easily. Just upgrade rhe scope maybe? Whats the actual rig
I note the 2 items on your wish list = #1 shoot out to 300m and #2 light weight. As others have mentioned 708 is very capable at ranges you state, & further. But you need the right projectiles & accuracy for 300+. Do you reload? Or rely on factory ammo ? Ideally in 708 I’d be picking 160 - 162 gn projectiles like ELDMS or X or 160 TMKs or you could run 150 ELDX, which are available in Hornady Superformance factory ammo. These would be a good choice if they shoot accurately from your rifle. Reloading will give you more options & the ability to tune loads to suit. If you don’t reload do you know some one that does ?
Chopping barrel to 16 or 18in will drop a bit of weight. An after market carbon fibre stock would be the best way to reduce weight & improve accuracy potential. What brand of rifle do you have at present? A Tikka in 708 and short bbl is a pretty light weight set up in the Tikka factory stock, and proven accurate shooters. I realise Tikkas aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’s going to tick the box on your 2 wishes. If you want to go further down the light weight, longer range path then save your $ for CF stock. Just remember that shooting a light weight rifle accurately takes good skills & discipline on the part of shooter.
And there’s nothing wrong with a 270 either. But light weight 270, more recoil, is going to be more challenging to shoot accurately.
Lol these calibre arguments are ridiculous. Ballistically they're very similar. A 162gr eldm @2650fps vs a 145eldx @2950fps, both hold 1000ft lbs past 700m the .270 retaining a bit more velocity. You can't go wrong with either one.
If you want a significant upgrade, go to 7mm rem mag.
Thanks for the input. So by the sounds theres not much to be gained by going from 7-08 to .270.
I have a 12 year old howa 1500. Only thing I dont like really is the shitty hogue stock with a flexy foregrip. Just replace the scope because the old redfield couldnt hold zero but wish i went with a slightly bigger magnification but the 2.5-10 does ok for now. The furthest shot I have achieved is 350ish metres
If you are happy with the scope, the only thing I would suggest is the stock...The Howa is a very good action, reliable and usually more accurate than most shooters are capable of .( Mind you so are most new rifles.....)
A new rifle will require you to sight it in, retool with more ammunition in the correct calibre and practise setting up and getting used to the rifle....I have found that changing from one calibre to another will cost you a few packets of ammo to start with anyway and at todays prices that will exceed $100 to $200 pretty quickly so in my view that would be better spent improving what you already have.
The only thing to watch is going lighter will increase the felt recoil no matter what you end up with. To be effective at 300m + first you have to be able to hit it at 300m +. You could have the hardest hitting 50BMG and yet if you cannot shoot it accurately it will simply make a bigger crater in the ground....
Going from 7mm to 270 wont gain you much- they are very similar calibres. Capable of very similar performance...And if you look at factory ammo speeds and energy, tho be brutally honest , the 7mmRemMag is not a huge amount faster / more powerful...If you want more bullet then 7mm08 to 308, or 270 to 30/06 there is a little bit of gain, but again not enough to warrant significant outlay.
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......
Just get a better rifle if you want an upgrade. The older I get the less critical the cartridge becomes. Anything will do fine out to 350m. (And yeah, I'd get it in .270 anyway if a rifle you like comes that way. There is a reason why its one of the greatest hunting cartridges ever made...)
Like others have said upgrade your rifle any caliber 243 and up will work out to 350 find something you like and happy days
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