true that...
I get the 6.5 Creedmore, but realistically they already had just as good an option with the 6.5x47 Lapua... the 6.5x 47 Lapua also has a small case that allows long BC bullets to chamber in a short action and feed from 2.8" COAL mags. But yanks don't like anything that they can't claim for themselves, they suffer from the illusion that they are always the best, and that the rest of the world can't produce anything just as good, or better. And frankly they were pretty much last with the 6.5mm.
In so far as the accuracy of the creedmore is concerned, I don't buy that its any better that the lapua, the 260 rem or the 6.5x55... and the 260, 260 AI and 6.5x47 Lapua all can be made to work well in short actions with simple planning of freeborn length.
If a top shooter adopted any of the above, the results would be indiscernably different..