Has anyone tried one of these? http://www.csa.co.cz/files/files/58/7.png
I hear a small shipment was available in nz.
Has anyone tried one of these? http://www.csa.co.cz/files/files/58/7.png
I hear a small shipment was available in nz.
Never tried one but I like the looks of it
They are short and lite , use a totally different design & mech than the AK that they exturnually look like , they use a copy of the Walther P-38 locking mech , and the piston is not connected to the bolt carrier ; its like the SLR piston .
The mags are alunimuim painted grey , stocks on origanl VZ58s are a resin mixed with wood fibres .
They are awesome.
This from last nights run an gun session with a few members.
Nice and light and completely different to shoot than an AK.
Thanks @Dr. Watson.
What brand is that railed hand guard?
I have been in touch with Aoraki Ammo. Hopefully will have one soon.
Bringing an old thread back to life. Has anyone got any more feedback on these rifles particularly the ones aoraki are bringing in? Any feeding issues? Is there a decent short scope that you can mount on these rifles given the need to clear the ejection port?
Thanks for the feedback. The only problem with a shell deflector (which is the sks solution) is that if you bounce a shell back into the action you end up with a bad jam.
Does you mate run scopes on either of his rifles? Also thoughts on which caliber to get? I have an AR so already have the reloading gear for 223 and brass is cheap. On the other hand I already have an AR so don't need a similar rifle in the same caliber. I know the resale value on 223 AK's is poor so my thought is to get the one in the original 7.62 caliber then at least I can justify it saying it's for big reds in the roar (not that I ever shoot any).
Whats making me what one is a)They are cool, b)No direct impingement, c)They are cool. What putting me off is dubious scope mounting options given I could get a 7.62 AR upper for the same money.
Also has anyone worked out a way to restrict the gas system? The review in NZ guns and hunting said it ejects with some considerable force as soon as he put a can on it.
Pulling ya leg broshe'll deflectors are gay, unless your a helicopter shooter.
Yeah Paul brings in a couple of scope mounts, two over the rear (side detach) and a replacement FAB handguard with a pic rail at the 12 o'clock. This is ideal for red dots etc or scout scopes and is pretty fast shooting on running game.
Mates son had a 223 and it was more accurate than the three ARs he owns. The x39 shot well with barndoor (Barnaul 123 hp) , around 1" or better with a 4x scout scope. I have hummed and arhd about one but wouldn't reload purely cause they flick the empties for about a km.
Very cool guns and I think they will hold their value as there are not many round. They drop reds, fallow, goats and roos well.
Last edited by 300_BLK; 13-03-2017 at 10:15 PM. Reason: Spellin'
I have indeed had feed issues. I acquired mine second-hand although it might have come via Aoraki - I've just emailed them to find out.
The feed issue is simply that the gun comes with a 10 round mag riveted to 7 that isn't really used anywhere else. Both mags I have here appear to have problems feeding the round into the receiver at the right angle.
In my gun either the bullet is sitting too high in the receiver or it's coming out at too flat of an angle (or both), which causes it to pass over the feed lip without making contact and impact the point on the barrel face. If I hold the magazine release open and pull the back of the mag down about 2mm it feeds fine.
The fix for this may be to get a different mag, maybe a polymer one from Zahal. The problem there is it's a 30 round mag riveted to 7 rounds. It claims to be NZ legal but it's not legal for A-cat and you wouldn't bother pinning a mag on E-cat.
Has anyone encountered this and been able to fix it? It's a beautiful gun so it's a right shame that they all seem to have this issue. If nothing else I'm going to have to wait until I have my E-cat and put it on that and use a regular mag to resolve it.
And my last question is: does anyone know about the .22LR adaptor kits? I understand that they replace the BCG and insert a .22 shroud into the barrel. Has anyone ever seen one in NZ?
In any case, here's mine. I have a Primary Arms Gen II 3x FDE optic and a Waitaki Engineering suppressor coming for it, hopefully this week.
Last edited by Antidamage; 16-01-2019 at 02:41 AM.
G'day. Got a carbine off Aoraki. Super cool. Only used it once, bit then I've only had it a couple off weeks. Took it out and thrashed the shit out of it. Completely faultless operation. Not a single jam. I'm now selling my 7.62 AR upper due to the bloody thing being so dam good. Scope? No chance, unless it's really compact. I run a 3x vortex. Got a Waitaki can with it but I'm yet to try it. Stock design fits me really well, and the whole set up is very well made. Had a number of semi autos in 7.62x39 but the vz is a keeper. Hope to try the can out on it soon. They certainly are cool! Price ment to increase next shipment.