The maxtoch condition have to be perfect but even we couldn’t believe it , was cattle so big but we could clearly see them
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So perfect setup would be a thermal handheld for locating and one of these scopes for identifying/shooting?
Here's a side by side comparison between the Arken Zulus and the brand new Sytong HT-70. They will be head to head in the same market. I cant comment on the pros and cons of the Sytong 'cos all Ive done is mounted it and had a fiddle. The Sytong has on board ballistics which is a plus 'cos the Zulus's ballistics have to be blue toothed across and will only store one set. Scanning around the city it looks like the Zulus has better screen definition and natural colours, but there is nothing wrong with the Sytong. I will sight the Sytong in this week and get it going - once Ive sorted its electronic mysteries. Its mounted on a .223 at present but I want to try it on something bigger too.
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Attachment 249169
I found the following between the HT70 and the Zulus
Sytong HT70
Better build
Better depth of view
Better night time
Better viewing screen
More vibrant colours - didnt play with settings
Easier to use - less buttons and onboard ballistics
Better price
Arken Zulus
Better digital magnification
Better daytime resolution
Better low light resolution
Better field of view
More natural colours
I'm trying to get my head around the real differences between 2K and 4k resolution. I know that 4K is 3840 x 2160 and 2k is 1920 x1080 BUT. When you look at the picture in say an Arken Zulus and a Hik Micro Alpex 4K the difference does not seem great. To be fair I have not looked through either of them and am replying on online images. Logic suggests that the 4K image should be far superior to the 2K but this does not seem to be born out in the image comparisons I have seen.
I have got the Pard 007Sp which is 2560 x 1440 and also the Pard 007S which is 1920 x 1080. I do see some differences on the image color saturation but I do not see any real difference in image clarity. So it seems to me that the resolution is not all that is at play when considering the product performance in term of the image clarity.
When are you expecting the Sytongs Ken? @55six
The Sytong HT70 and the Arken Zulus have this neat freeze frame/one shot thingy for sighting in. I couldn't figure it out on the Zulus when I sighted it in but got it right when I did the Sytong just now. Pretty cool. Sighted in at 50 yards with 3 shots. I wanted it .5" low at 50 yards. Will test it at 100 yards when Ive got more room.
Attachment 249277
I grabbed a Sytong HT66 here recently, and it seems good value, BUT
I cant leave the mounting ring on my scope as it prevents me removing the bolt.
Does removing the mounting ring stuff up the zero when remounted ?
Hey thanks for that @Tahr - what is it about these devices that they are sighted at 50Y. I've had several guys now at the range with them wanting "50 yards" (which is a bitch on our current setup). Is it not possible to do them further out?
You can sight them at what ever range you wish. I was just doing it on a 70acre block so not much room. This afternoon I finalised it at 100 yards. I wasn't quite as precise with the one shot zero adjustments, but got there. Circle around my last 2 shots and my 2 adjustments.
I think people do them at 50 yards because its easier to see the holes for the freeze/one shot zero.
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