Hi mposkitt I was in your position about 4 years ago and you seem to be about obsessive as me.
From the experience of an obsessive noob if you are looking at charts and you like the 270 then go for it (cal doesn't really matter). Thats how I chose my first hunting rifle (a marlin 270 then I sold that and got a Sako A7 7mmRemMag and have just sold it and brought a Remington 300RUM and it's only a RUM until I re-barrel it to a 338 Edge). But there is a reason everyone is telling you 308 because it fits your requirement perfectly. Don't worry about flat trajectories as long as its accurite and has the killing power when it gets there. Gun City have the cheapest tikkas and Rem spss.
If you are going to hunt the Canterbury tops optics are the most important thing that include Binoculars. I ignored this advice and started with $250 pair of leupolds of binos then a $400 pair of Minox. Still shit now i have $1200 pair of Vortex.
If you are working in Australia you will probably have a decient budget dont be a tight arse. spend money now so you dont have to replace stuff later.
Tikka or Rem spss $1100 (these rifles have the best after market bit and pieces) - Scope $1200 - Binos - $1200
This is my experence and opinions