There's a lot that goes into this discussion, because as you develop as a hunter and as a shooter, your requirement and level of skill changes considerably. The rifle i would recommend to a new hunter is not the rifle I would buy myself.
Another consideration is making the decision as to whether you are primarily a hunter or primarily a shooter, as both are very separate paths and the methods of employing each rifle are different again.
I dont think any one rifle can be a be all end all.
End of the day the rifle you enjoy shooting and are successful with is the perfect rifle for the job at the time.
If I were to state some features for a beginner, they would be :
-A silent Action with a physically tangible half cock (no loud clicks when moving into half cock)
-5 Rd Capacity (if Internal)
-Short Action (.222 all the way to 6.5 and the WSMs - .270 is poos)
-Suppressor (Choose your flavour)
-a DECENT OPTIC (IMO More important than the rifle)
-a decent trigger (That you have trained with and doesn't suprise you)
-Wood/Poly stocks don't really bother me , I've yet yo have a Wood Stock rot on me but Wood sure as hell is prettier. Understand the argument there though.
-Being able to top load rather than fumbling with removing magazines in a hurry (mag fed top loaders are excellent - looking at you @norsk )
But then again , all this is smashed to shit if you're wracking Bull Tahr at 800m.
Different strokes for different folks is what I'm trying to say.
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