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Thread: Does everyone here love the current NZ firearms laws?

  1. #1
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018
    Hawkes Bay

    Does everyone here love the current NZ firearms laws?

    25,232 members here is a lot. It's more than 10% if licensed NZ firearms owners. Some of us have made some complaints about NZ firearms laws, particularly since the 2019 law change. Currently ACT MP Nicole McKee has a review of the NZ firearms law underway, and as of 3 days ago only 303 people have made a submission!!!

    We all know GCNZ have put in a submission which wants far more restrictions and costs added to legal firearms users. They have a bunch of cronies committed to making it hard and expensive for legal shooters to use firearms. Many of these people will be putting in submissions to make it far more difficult and expensive to own and use firearms. Some are pushing for Aussie style laws; no semi auto rimfires or shotguns, no pump or lever action centrefires or shotguns, limited number of firearms per user, higher age limits and shorter licence duration, and proof of need to own firearms. These people are motivated to make shooting essentially impossible or at least impractical.

    Only 303 submissions received and maybe half of those might be from the anti-gun crowd!!!

    Ok maybe most of the 25,000 members here thinks the current laws are perfect, along with well over 99% of the 250,000 firearms licence holders. For those of us who don't, and particulary anyone who can come up with a coherent reason why we might want to use semi auto centrefires, or not be governed by GCNZ rules, there are 3 weeks left to get a submission in. No one who does not submit will ever have grounds to complain about firearms laws again. This is our chance to get it right, if we don't take it now the chance may not come again.

    Even worse, the apathetic response to public submissions will make it very clear to politicians such as ACT MPs that firearms law is a dead issue, everyone is happy and there is no future vote for them in improving matters. Currently I am appalled at the apathy of NZ firearms users to this one-off chance to get the law right.

    Anyone who has not made a submission please do it!

    7mmwsm, XR500, Jukes and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I’d say a few of us have been waiting for colfo’s document, I know I have been

  3. #3
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat ninja View Post
    I’d say a few of us have been waiting for colfo’s document, I know I have been
    @Fat ninja did you get any value from it? Personally I think it would be much better if everyone said their own thing without being influenced by Colfo, most of us have a fair bit to say anyway. I did anyway when I did my submisison
    mikee and BRADS like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    I’ll be using it as a guide, I’ve got a bit to say

  5. #5
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    I don't know what the COLFO guide says but Antique Arms have sent out their version to members.
    Its starts with this statement -
    Send an email to: firearms@justice.govt.nz with the following details, you need the following details and you must include the privacy statement to prevent your details being published or OIA’ed.
    And -
    PRIVACY STATEMENT: I object to my personal information being released as part of an Official Information Act request.
    My details are to be kept private because of my concerns about security

    Of course, some may not be worried about that detail...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Middle Earth
    Yes I ll be putting my submission through before the 28th.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2024
    Happy to say I'm one of those 303. I believe that the lack of submissions is that it seems to have only been publicised on the minister's facebook page.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I think a whole lot of us have been waiting for COLFO's guidelines, they are now public. Now that I've got something to guide me, I will be putting in a submission, just like i did last time. And pretty sure theres a heap of others out there that will use the guidelines to write up a decent submission over the next 3 weeks as well.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2024
    I'm in the process of writing mind, and it will be of a more personal account of the firearms review, but I worry about the "Gold Plated Beneficiary" that will read it, and will they take it at face value or put their spin on it?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2022
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    my only complaint is that all centerfire semi auto were banned but as we all know many were not military in any shape or form could we get back Remington 742 Browning Bar be neat but realistically I doubt it but will put in my submission
    Quick likes this.

  11. #11
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Oct 2014
    Have done a draft but waited to see what colfo etc have to say. I've amended my initial submission twice now. It will probably get tweaked again as I'm reading the section 6 amendment at present. I'm in no real rush but will get it submitted in time

  12. #12
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    I think the important thing is we all stress the things that are important to us, the danger in reading other peoples submissions is the potential for everything to end up sounding the same. For example, I fully support my fellow shooters being able to use semi autos for 3gun etc. But it's not important to me personally. What I do know about is the need for semi autos for pest control, as even the best shooters are unlikely to knock over 20 or 30 goats with 10rd mags in bolt action rifles. I can quantify this by the approx $250,000 in losses I've had from only a reasonably small number of transient feral pests on my small farm, and if we multiply that over other similar land use regions the economic and ecological cost is horrifying. I feel the case for wider access to semi autos for pest control is easily made. I thought hard about expressing support for other shooting disciplines but decided that if I had added some tacky "and I think 3gun guys should be able to get E cat back too" it would have sounded inauthentic, and reduce the value of the submission. Far better for other people passionate about sports shooting to stress the 3gun issues, or service rifle, or whatever.

    I suspect a lot of us will be more or less happy with a large percentage of the law, we just need to stress the things that are important to us individually, hoping for the best overall outcome.
    nzfubz, 308, 20 Bore and 1 others like this.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Happy to say I’m one of the 303 that have made a submission. As already stated above, we all need to make sure we do one.

  14. #14
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woods223 View Post
    Happy to say I’m one of the 303 that have made a submission. As already stated above, we all need to make sure we do one.
    me too and i agree, its about time some of the shooting and hunting fraternity stopped procrastinating and sitting on their hands. Now is the time for submissions with logical and concise argument in your submission at least then you can say you did something
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  15. #15
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    25300 odd members but likely less than 300 of those are active like it or not NZHS is not even close to a majority voice of FAL holders.....still love this place
    tetawa, BRADS, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.



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