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Thread: Does everyone here love the current NZ firearms laws?

  1. #16
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Nor West of Auckland on the true right of the Kaipara River
    Ben I absolutely agree with you that we all should make a submission to express our opinions on the firearms law review but here is the rub for this old firearms enthusiast. I have made three attempts at making a submission and have so far failed in all three of them. I struggle to accept this failure and have thought much about why it is I have not yet been able to complete the task. Each time I have concluded that I am still so embittered by the the former government’s treatment of myself and many others among us that I simply do not trust myself to keep a civil tongue while writing my thoughts to each matter so I choose to be disciplined and not to write anything as opposed to writing something inflammatory.

    I consider myself articulate, and have previously never struggled in making my thoughts known when making submissions to the government but I am passionate about this subject and I find myself unable to exercise proper control over my emotions when I get to the starting blocks and I know deep inside of me that were I to proceed while in that state of mind my submission would do a huge disservice to all of us.

    I have referenced the guidelines issued by COLFO and whilst I agree with some of their suggested content I find much among it that does not align with my opinion so it does not at all assist me in this endeavour. I will continue to make attempts to complete a submission but in the end if I fail to do so, it will not be due to complacency but moreover due to common sense prevailing. There is an old saying “I would rather say nothing and be thought a fool than open my mouth and remove all doubt”. It applies for me in this instance.
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
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  2. #17
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    @Rushy I definetly hear you, but the huge difference now is we're talking to Nicole et al not to Ardern, we're talking to the people who understand the pain rather than those who inflicted it (largely for self-aggrandisement). I tried to keep my submission purely cold and factual but I think a few good people expressing their pain at losing their loved hobby and experiencing the blame and collective guilt placed on us by the polarising fool masquerading as PM at the time would only be a good thing.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    i did my submissions, so did the mrs.
    lets remember we are dealing with and its not good (nichole is a huge exception)
    Barry the hunter likes this.

  4. #19
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    Put mine in this morning

  5. #20
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    @Rushy .good on you for the honesty. I aren't putting one in for different reasons. I have faith in Nichole and believe that because THIS time around,things are not being rushed through with red eyes and emotions all wonky( for want of better word) there is a better than fair chance any new laws/rules are going to be fair and just. I aren't articulate enough to put in anything better than others will have done,I know you fellas have said it well already.i trust that is enough...so be it,for better or worse.
    carlhurley and outlander like this.
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  6. #21
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Working on mine. Mostly done. Wasn't going to answer every question, but I can't help myself.

  7. #22
    Join Date
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    I'm writing mine, but like Rushy, I'm battling with a fair bit of "fuck those cunts with a cactus syndrome ", and that gets in the way of a cogent and reasonable submission.

    I'll get there.
    Micky Duck, XR500 and Husky1600#2 like this.

  8. #23
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ross Nolan View Post
    I'm writing mine, but like Rushy, I'm battling with a fair bit of "fuck those cunts with a cactus syndrome ", and that gets in the way of a cogent and reasonable submission.

    I'll get there.
    Deep breaths help
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  9. #24
    Join Date
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    just done mine< no cursing in print anyway

  10. #25
    Join Date
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    I finished mine the evening before Nicole released those numbers, so unlikely mine is included in that 303.

    I tried to keep mine logical with some areas that could be relaxed to, what I believe is a reasonable balance between protecting NZ vs over regulating the lawful firearm users. I also commented on some current gaps that I see (much the old stupid situation where you can buy the E Cat mag on an A, for your A-Cat AR but just don’t put it on it) and provided solutins that I believe are reasonable and not too onerous on the lawful community.

  11. #26
    STC is offline
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    Have not gotten around to it yet due to job/family matters, but do absolutely intend to.

    Keep in mind that the firearms "community", especially in here has plenty of bad actors that just pretend to care about more sensible laws.

    Or they are too comfortable in their victim role...
    Last edited by STC; 09-02-2025 at 09:25 AM.

  12. #27
    Join Date
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    just here , at present
    Its easier to sit there and whinge than it is to get off your arse and do something positive.

    My guess is that less than 5% of the members of this forum will make a submission - the rest will complain about how hard it is
    STC likes this.
    too old to die young

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    No need for the judging and denigrating. The majority here likely belong to NZDA or a shooting organisation who have made substantive submissions and would have quoted their membership numbers. So they have contributed.
    After the last couple of comments some who are ambivalent about the law might just think that people with shit attitudes just aren't worth supporting.
    BRADS, kotuku, Shamus_ and 2 others like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
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  14. #29
    STC is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    No need for the judging and denigrating. The majority here likely belong to NZDA or a shooting organisation who have made substantive submissions and would have quoted their membership numbers. So they have contributed.
    After the last couple of comments some who are ambivalent about the law might just think that people with shit attitudes just aren't worth supporting.
    back to making stuff up as you go eh :-) thanks for proving my point.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by STC View Post
    back to making stuff up as you go eh :-) thanks for proving my point.
    And the usual drivel from you
    kotuku likes this.



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