wondering if anyone can help with this, i went to use a brand new set of hornady 6.5x55 dies and the full length body die was so tight that i had to use some serious force to size the case and then on removal i had to bang down the handle with a lot more force
that was on a hornady case so then tried a norma case and had the same issue, except this time the removal of the die ended up bending the decapping pin on the way out. in both cases there was some damage to the neck of the case
the force is required at the last stage of the press, which i think is the shoulder/body sizing stage. has anyone seen this before or could they suggest what the issue might be? i haven't tried the seating die that came with it but assuming that is ok.
i doubt it is a case lube issue, my dies for other calibres work like they should with the same lube application
and do i toss it out?