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Thread: E-CAT Endorsement Requirements

  1. #151
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    North Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by P38 View Post

    Join a Rifle Club .... even if it is only for a short period.

    Don't mention anything about Hunting on your application form.

    Do mention Membership of a Rifle Club, competing in Military and 3 Gun matches and/or Pest Control.

    Don't pick Referees that will mention anything to do with Hunting

    Do pick Referees that will mention Rifle Club membership, Military competitions, 3 Gun matches and or Pest Control.

    Oh and dont say anything about needing an MSSA for Hunting when speaking with the Interviewing Officer.

    Upgrade your security to meet E cat requirements, 6mm steel safe is easiest/cheapest, purpose built strongroom is hardest/dearest.

    Good Luck.

    I took my ak and 30rnd mag hunting. Saw nothing though. Will keep trying till I blast bambi with its iron sights. Why not. (ps, at my current rate of hunting trips, this might take a few years...)
    Use enough gun

  2. #152
    Join Date
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    Just reading above, why should you not mention hunting when talking to the officer? If its legal to go hunting with an MSSA then how could they decline to give you an endorsement if you say that's what your going to do?

  3. #153
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWB View Post
    Surely you're not suggesting that plod believed that fat boy had armed security guards. Such a belief would have been acted on months/years beforehand, and would have resulted in his residency being revoked and said gent sent packing.
    No what we saw then and now is plain fear and paranoia from the blue nancys. Apologists like yourself will always have some excuse, and can often be quite noisy, defending your pets, but I have a fond hope that you still are a minority.
    You are such a tool, its almost funny.

    Another idiot to add to the block list, alongside systolic.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  4. #154
    Join Date
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    Jesus steady on there, your going to block me next.

  5. #155
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    As soon as a guy starts calling police 'pigs', we have a winner.
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  6. #156
    Member Walker's Avatar
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    Just to calm things just a little, The Health and safty act demands that employers take all steps to ensure the safty of you employees, therefore PHQ are going to insist that any event, arrest etc has the troops tooled up incase of un-expected trouble.
    gadgetman likes this.

  7. #157
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    Jesus steady on there, your going to block me next.
    Carlsen, I knew he was a tool back in July, no rush at all.
    As Tommy mentions, this twit refers to Police as 'pigs' and Muslim people as 'rag heads' online.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  8. #158
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    Carlsen, I knew he was a tool back in July, no rush at all.
    As Tommy mentions, this twit refers to Police as 'pigs' and Muslim people as 'rag heads' online.
    Is that the strange 'MuRiCaN from Florida?

    Sent from my SM-G388F using Tapatalk

  9. #159
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
    As soon as a guy starts calling police 'pigs', we have a winner.
    Actually the term "Pigs " is not a derogatory word when discribing the Police . It has a English reference ( to their beginings ,Bow Street Runners ) and the American term as in Pride . Integrity . Guts .
    And as the Devils advocate you have to ask yourself if it is O.K to go tooled up when there might be weapons on site . What would they do differently when they know their are weapons on site . Tear gas and Flash bangs all round no doubt , and all you did was to forget to pay the Gas bill .

  10. #160
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    Just reading above, why should you not mention hunting when talking to the officer? If its legal to go hunting with an MSSA then how could they decline to give you an endorsement if you say that's what your going to do?
    I am guessing that they can then say that you could use an ar15 a category instead or a bolt action. Whereas the 3 gun requires a big mag capacity.

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  11. #161
    Member stretch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russian 22. View Post
    I am guessing that they can then say that you could use an ar15 a category instead or a bolt action. Whereas the 3 gun requires a big mag capacity.

    Sent from my GT-I9506 using Tapatalk
    I just had this same debate with another shooter online the other day. Remember that magazine capacity is only one of several MSSA features. Why shouldn’t we have folding/telescopic stocks, pistol grips, flash suppressors or bayonet lugs on a semi auto used for hunting? The reason these features are used to classify MSSAs is because they’re fairly common features of the examples of firearms they wanted restricted post Aramoana. Nothing dangerous about them.

  12. #162
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    Quote Originally Posted by stretch View Post
    I just had this same debate with another shooter online the other day. Remember that magazine capacity is only one of several MSSA features. Why shouldn’t we have folding/telescopic stocks, pistol grips, flash suppressors or bayonet lugs on a semi auto used for hunting? The reason these features are used to classify MSSAs is because they’re fairly common features of the examples of firearms they wanted restricted post Aramoana. Nothing dangerous about them.
    Well unless you were using the bayonet to stick a pig then most of those features aren't too useful for hunting I think.

    The restrictions were just reactionary behaviour from police failings. I agree with you that there isn't anything dangerous abbot an e cat.

  13. #163
    308 is offline
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    A large mag capacity is rather handy when you come across a mob of goats



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