And people wonder how they get targeted for robberies of their guns.
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Let's see, hmmm, how about from having gun related stickers on their cars, living in the countryside, talking to the wrong people, this includes your kids blagging off at school, having firearms with crap levels of security, ie under the bed, in a wardrobe, in a weak wooden cupboard or left in a car.
Care to enlighten us then how an unmarked small sized NZ courier bag with a private name address and private name return address somehow contributes to firearms theft?
This is different to the other 3 courier bags I had delivered from the Warehouse, Kathmandu and Barkers?
Eagerly awaiting your well researched with empirical evidence and peer reviewed thoughts.
Guys, under "Settings" ya find the "Edit Ignore User" tab in your sidebar and add a certain fuckwit's name to it - it's bought me a world of peace
How well do you trust the people sending you stuff? Not just gun parts.
I sold an old Swazi jacket to a guy a year or two ago on Trademe. Posted it to his home address. Google showed the address was a residential house with a trampoline in the back yard.
A look through his feedback showed him buying and selling rifles and all kinds of related items, including lots of AR15 parts. I recognized his Trademe name as very similar to his user name on a firearms forum (not this one) and saw he was a B and E licence holder and looking to get his C as well.
In a few minutes, I had his name and address and even photos of some of his E cat guns. He was selling a motorbike on Trademe which gave me his mobile number as well. In the background of the motorbike photos was the trampoline, confirming where he lived.
Remember Operation Eight when the cops gave shitloads of people's full Trademe details to criminals and their lawyers?
You raise valid points about online sales. Online sales was an avenue I meant to include in my reply.
The dodgiest sales, including firearms, were and are Facebook 'sales' forums. Even with FB blocking firearms related sales, they still happen via closed groups.
Anyone mad enough to join a general one is nuts.
However in all of this, I fail to see how a courier delivery in an unmarked bag to my home address from a commercial firearms dealer (who already has my license details, credit card details, and home address) has anything to do with me being robbed for my firearms as opposed to me having the same items delivered to my work (which is my normal delivery address, as the items can be signed for by reception).
Why would you trust a dealer to keep your information safe? Why would you get any gun related items, let alone guns, ever sent to your home? You are mad.
The wankers at gun city sold a guy with only an A licence 50 Ruger 10/22s, 50 pistol grip stocks, big magazines and lasers for cash.
Man jailed for selling guns to gang | Radio New Zealand News
Do you think none of the staff of a gun shop would ever 'share' a copy of the dealers book if offered enough money?
How about the guy who worked at Carvell's up in Auckland. The dodgy old prick had a firearms licence in a false name and worked there for years and the owner never even knew his real name until he was arrested and deported!
Most gun salesmen are on the same level as used car salesmen. Only interested in money. I wouldn't trust any as far as I could throw them.
There are dodgy people everywhere, again the examples I outlined are more likely to have you robbed than a courier package.
Joe Green will agree with me, as there is empirical evidence to back this up.
Never mind just plain following you home from the range
The only sure fire way to not be targeted for owning firearms is to not own firearms. If you ever go to a gun shop, do you park 3 blocks away from it and walk round in circles a few times to make sure you aren't being followed?
If your gun shop doesn't record your address when you purchase a firearm, they are in breach of the law. Reference: Regulation 7(4)(c) Arms Regulations 1992
Where in the regulations does it say home address or the address where the guns are stored?
I have a contact address that is recorded. The same one my arms officer uses for my permits. He knows its not my home address. And he knows it's used for security of my guns.
I hope so, they are fit a proper people after all,Quote:
Originally Posted by systolic
my mum can buy these parts legally without a FAL, its not illegal to buy the parts, its what you do with themQuote:
Originally Posted by systolic
I hope not, they are fit and proper... but some people have a price, does your A.O.? he might? paranoid much?Quote:
Originally Posted by systolic
improper checks, happens in all jobs.Quote:
Originally Posted by systolic
its there job... its how they get paid.Quote:
Originally Posted by systolic
Seriously, where do you buy your guns/parts? you sound so fucken paranoid,
do you sleep with a loaded gun under your pillow? JUST IN CASE?!
you sound more dodgy than the people you claim to worry about...
your the one looking for peoples details,
Originally Posted by systolic
To prove you are 'fit and proper' all you have to do is show you don't beat your wife or get too drunk too often. And a couple of people to say to the cops that you don't.
Your mum can buy 50 rifles, pistol grips stocks, silencers, lasers and 20 shotguns without a licence, really? She could supply the Head Hunters too.
I buy my guns, ammo and parts all over the place. Gunshops, Trademe, Carvell's and Rodgers' auctions. I import parts and accessories from overseas as well.
I just never get anything delivered to my home address to make it harder for criminals to rob my house.
Not paranoid, just careful.
I don't want to end up like that collector in Dargaville in May or the one in Dunedin in October.
But some people are stupid enough to put enough information on the internet to make it easy for robbers to target them. Like the guy I sold the Swazi to.
There was two separate guys bidding on a 20 round AR15 magazine on Trademe yesterday (the auction has been taken down now). One in Wellington, the other in Whakatane.
Going through both their feedback pages you could see all the gun stuff they had both been buying. It was clear both owned a few guns, including AR15s and SLRs.
Both of them were selling cars and had their names and phone numbers in the listings. Any robber only has to ring up and say "Hey Vince, nice Holden. Where do I come for a look? and they have the address where there are guns kept.
Vince and Mark are fucking stupid for putting that kind of information online for any cunt to see with a few clicks of a mouse.
The cops have my real address if they need it. Anyone else can get fucked. :)
yeah you had the same check... how do we know your more fit and proper than anyone else?
i said "parts" didnt say guns, anyone can buy scopes, lasers, stocks, barrels etc.
there not doing anything illegal buying parts, like i said.. its what you do with them.
systolic is a low tier journo bouncing around the forum stirring shit so further down the track juicy screenshots can be clipped out for a scathing hit piece on why guns are the tools of satan himself, calling it now.
Paranoid Personality Disorder. Makes for some interesting reading.
Paranoid Personality Disorder Symptoms | Psych Central
You can be paranoid and still have people out to get you.
You are a strange one. I say lifes to short to always be arguing for the sake of arguing & going against the grain with others.
Maybe try a more friendly approach @systolic to the forum. This forum has always had shit banta no doubt but as a collective of good honest info & advice it's mostly been good. Also people here considering the times we are living in are sticking together more then ever now so rather then trying to criticize others heavily, perhaps consider a more helpful approach.
A little paranoia is healthy I think, for example I am weary of security issues arising from tardme like mentioned above, so I use a different tardme account (a family member's one actually, having two yourself is against their rules I imagine) for anything firearm related, with anything that might give away my address (e.g. flatmates wanted, vehicles for sale) being listed on another.
Getting back to the E endorsement question, I think mine was all sorted within 2-3 weeks, probably sped things along by listing two well-known collectors in town, both being on good terms with the arms officers through decades of shooting, hell the arms officer probably had them on speed-dial. My understanding is that if your referees hold the endorsement it helps, but if not then try to list dealers/gun store owners, police officers, people with a lot of experience in the Deerstalkers Association or Mountain Safety Council, that type of thing. As above, you may run into trouble trying to list hunting/pest control by itself, as I've heard they will try to make you justify it, as in at least 80% of your income must come from pest control services to warrant using those big scary magazines, but I'm not sure if this is true. The way I see it, if you are a serious shooter you won't have any issues as you'll inevitably have joined a club where they shoot service rifle, and can just say that. I see reloading the same way; if you do enough shooting you're eventually going to end up loading your own.
Paranoia is a thought process believed to be heavily influenced by anxiety or fear, often to the point of delusion and irrationality.
I know some paranoid people who aren't like that, another type entirely - they have this belief that they are superior as they know the "real truth" and that the "sheeple" are being fed bullshit by the "lamestream media"
All terribly tiresome
I think being security conscious is fair enough but some paranoiacs have trouble understanding that they aren't worth being a target as they aren't that important
The fear of having firearms stolen is a rational fear, something worth being anxious about, and taking steps to prevent.
The fear of the aliens (who are bankrolled by the Illuminati) reading your thoughts via a satellite is irrational, and wearing a tinfoil hat to prevent it is silly.
I love these ones....Why would aliens travel that far and wonder what we are thinking? It would mean as much to them as us developing the same technology then using it on sheep to find out what they are thinking......And for the conspiracy that they are in league with other humans; well, would you conspire with a sheep to find out what other sheep are thinking? Or are you like everyone else and dont really give a toss what food thinks?
And finally as a paraphrase from a movie called "Paul" re the abduction and anal probing, would they really travel that far just to harvest farts?
I have just read through 8 pages of this post looking for the information on how to beat the system and get an E endorsement. The Kiwi gunblog guy has posted the police association's, now not secret thanks to an OIA, submission to the arms inquiry committee and in it it specifically mentions them reading forums and seeing posts about how to beat the system to get an E.
On their presentation notes they have the link to this forum and this thread.
So conclusive proof then that someone is following this and probably other forums and data mining it for their own ends.
I just skim read the whole thread myself and couldn't see anything that would suggest we have "cheated" the system either. But we now know the Police Association are a bunch of chicken little pricks that would rather nobody had an E endorsement.
For those wondering what the NZ Police Association was saying about this thread in their submission:
Attachment 66926
Attachment 66927
As we know they are reading this, let's show them what the law ACTUALLY requires:
Arms Act 1983
30B Power to make endorsement in respect of military style semi-automatic firearm
On receiving an application under section 30A, a member of the Police may, subject to any direction from the Commissioner, make the endorsement applied for if that member is satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to be in possession of the military style semi-automatic firearm to which that application relates.
Where's the "requirements on legitimate membership of Rifle Club, participating in’3 gun matches’ " or " the need for pest control "?
There isn't one. The drafter of that document (perhaps the President of the Police Association?) is either incompetent or a liar.
Any lawful purpose IS a valid use for a MSSA. Not the reasons that the NZ Police Association feel is 'suitable'.