They all look the same to the uneducated eye. Don't take them all out of the safe all at once.
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The best thing about acquiring ARs, is that you can do it in parts. :D
Her last week: 'What was in the courier bag?'
Me: 'Just some small parts'
Nice @dogmatix I use that line to. Always emphasizing that it is something small lol
Normally to work to avoid any 'issues', but was on holiday at the time.
Let's see, hmmm, how about from having gun related stickers on their cars, living in the countryside, talking to the wrong people, this includes your kids blagging off at school, having firearms with crap levels of security, ie under the bed, in a wardrobe, in a weak wooden cupboard or left in a car.
Care to enlighten us then how an unmarked small sized NZ courier bag with a private name address and private name return address somehow contributes to firearms theft?
This is different to the other 3 courier bags I had delivered from the Warehouse, Kathmandu and Barkers?
Eagerly awaiting your well researched with empirical evidence and peer reviewed thoughts.
Guys, under "Settings" ya find the "Edit Ignore User" tab in your sidebar and add a certain fuckwit's name to it - it's bought me a world of peace
How well do you trust the people sending you stuff? Not just gun parts.
I sold an old Swazi jacket to a guy a year or two ago on Trademe. Posted it to his home address. Google showed the address was a residential house with a trampoline in the back yard.
A look through his feedback showed him buying and selling rifles and all kinds of related items, including lots of AR15 parts. I recognized his Trademe name as very similar to his user name on a firearms forum (not this one) and saw he was a B and E licence holder and looking to get his C as well.
In a few minutes, I had his name and address and even photos of some of his E cat guns. He was selling a motorbike on Trademe which gave me his mobile number as well. In the background of the motorbike photos was the trampoline, confirming where he lived.
Remember Operation Eight when the cops gave shitloads of people's full Trademe details to criminals and their lawyers?
You raise valid points about online sales. Online sales was an avenue I meant to include in my reply.
The dodgiest sales, including firearms, were and are Facebook 'sales' forums. Even with FB blocking firearms related sales, they still happen via closed groups.
Anyone mad enough to join a general one is nuts.
However in all of this, I fail to see how a courier delivery in an unmarked bag to my home address from a commercial firearms dealer (who already has my license details, credit card details, and home address) has anything to do with me being robbed for my firearms as opposed to me having the same items delivered to my work (which is my normal delivery address, as the items can be signed for by reception).
Why would you trust a dealer to keep your information safe? Why would you get any gun related items, let alone guns, ever sent to your home? You are mad.
The wankers at gun city sold a guy with only an A licence 50 Ruger 10/22s, 50 pistol grip stocks, big magazines and lasers for cash.
Man jailed for selling guns to gang | Radio New Zealand News
Do you think none of the staff of a gun shop would ever 'share' a copy of the dealers book if offered enough money?
How about the guy who worked at Carvell's up in Auckland. The dodgy old prick had a firearms licence in a false name and worked there for years and the owner never even knew his real name until he was arrested and deported!
Most gun salesmen are on the same level as used car salesmen. Only interested in money. I wouldn't trust any as far as I could throw them.
There are dodgy people everywhere, again the examples I outlined are more likely to have you robbed than a courier package.
Joe Green will agree with me, as there is empirical evidence to back this up.